Friday, August 25, 2023
HomeFinancial AdvisorWeekend Reading For Financial Planners (August 26-27)

Weekend Reading For Financial Planners (August 26-27)

Enjoy the current installment of “Weekend Reading For Financial Planners” – this week’s edition kicks off with the news that a recent CFP Board survey indicates that consumers do not expect AI tools to replace human financial advisors, but rather supplement advisors’ work. Further, 87% of respondents said they would trust advice from human advisors, more than any other source of advice surveyed, and well above the 37% who said they trust generative AI tools.

Also in industry news this week:

  • The SEC settled its first charges related to its new marketing rule with a firm that advertised 2,700% annual returns
  • A survey suggests that older Americans prefer the term “longevity” to “aging”, perhaps informing the way advisors discuss related issues with their clients 

From there, we have several articles on retirement planning:

  • How advisors can help clients explore what they really want out of retirement rather than relying on ‘scripts’ for what retirement looks like
  • 9 traits that determine whether an individual will be happy in retirement, and how advisors can help clients achieve them
  • Why retirement wealth extends beyond dollars and cents to time, relationships, health, and skills

We also have a number of articles on investment planning:

  • A recent study found that investors lagged the performance of the funds in which they invested by 1.7% per year over the past decade, suggesting a potential role for advisors in helping them overcome this “behavior gap” 
  • While there are many potential ways to get rich in the markets, they can vary significantly by their degree of difficulty, likelihood of success, and time required to be successful
  • How to approach designing a portfolio built to last for hundreds or thousands of years

We wrap up with 3 final articles, all about remote and hybrid work:

  • How opinions of remote and hybrid work differ based on geography
  • How some recent research has poured cold water on the idea that remote workers are more productive, at least in certain professions 
  • Why a hybrid work approach where employees come into the office on specified days could boost productivity and employee satisfaction

Enjoy the ‘light’ reading!

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