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Flipping Food Perspectives: 20 Unpopular Dishes That Could Win You Over

Some foods, like pizza and burgers, are top-rated and a can’t-miss for most folks. Then there are some foods collectively hated to the point where people refuse to try them. Here’s a list of foods some people love while others can’t stand.

1. Radishes

Grocery Delivery
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Mmmm. One person loves eating radishes raw. Many are disgusted by this. Guess it depends on taste buds. Nothing says summer like raw veggies.

2. Tofu

tofu Adobe Stock 1
Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

Vegetarians and vegans love tofu for the most part, but the texture can be really difficult for some to stomach.

3. Anchovies

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Fresh anchovies are mild tasting; the curing process gives them their super salty taste that turns many people off. If you have the opportunity to eat pre-cured anchovy, give it a try. They may surprise you.

4. Candy Corn

Candy Corn
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

People who dislike candy corn wouldn’t eat it if it were the last candy on earth. Those who love candy corn could and would eat it all year round, and not just at Halloween. The little orange, white, and yellow triangles are pure sugary goodness that pleases a lot of contributors to the discussion.

5. Pineapple on Pizza

Hawaiian Pizza
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Whether it’s included with a ham or bacon topping, made with barbecue sauce, or adorns the pie all by itself, few things in life are as good as pineapple on a pizza, say numerous commenters.

6. Black Licorice

Black Licorice
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Somebody on the thread loves black licorice so much that they happily take it off their kids’ hands when they receive it from trick or treating on Halloween. It’s rare to find anyone who likes black licorice that much.

7. Blue Cheese

Blue Cheese
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Blue (or bleu) cheese is one of those foods that taste delicious, but you can’t think too hard about how it’s made, or else you wouldn’t touch it: The blue strands in the cheese curds are an edible form of mold. It may not be as popular as ranch flavor, but it has its share of online fans.

8. Raisin Bran

Raisin Bran
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

It certainly isn’t the most popular of cereals when compared to other favorites, but it’s still a mighty tasty cereal. The combination of slightly sweetened bran flakes with raisins is breakfast paradise in a bowl.

9. Sauerkraut

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This fermented cabbage dish is undoubtedly an acquired taste. Among the Pennsylvania Dutch and Pennsylvania German communities, sauerkraut is eaten with pork on New Year’s Day for good luck.

10. Brussels Sprouts

Brussel Sprouts
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Many people developed an aversion to Brussels sprouts as children, lasting into adulthood. That’s a real shame because there are a multitude of ways to prepare them that are delicious. One user recommends covering them in salt, pepper, and olive oil before roasting them in the oven. Yum!

11. Liverwurst

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For one fan of liverwurst in the discussion, having it on wheat bread with tomatoes and mayonnaise is their perfect sandwich. Another person also loves it as a sandwich and says they have enough respect for their coworkers not to eat it for lunch in the office.

12. Escargot

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Another delicacy that’s an acquired taste, a user on the discussion board swears by the deliciousness of snails. I’ll take their word on that one; thank you very much.

13. Grapefruit

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While some people love grapefruit, for others, there’s not enough sugar in the world to make this bitter citrus fruit edible. The health benefits of grapefruit are indisputable, but the taste is hard to get around.

14. Livers, Gizzards, Tripe, and Chitlins

liver Adobe Stock
Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

Offal meats – or the internal organs of an animal – are a hard sell for many people for obvious reasons. Still, when prepared properly, they can be a delicious alternative to more traditional cuts of meat.

15. Tuna

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Image credit: Shutterstock.

A discussion responder claims they drink the water from canned tuna. No. Just no.

16. Prunes

Image Credit: Narsil/Shutterstock.

Some people are obsessed with prunes, while others really don’t want to touch them. I think there’s something about dried fruit that really freaks people out.

17. Mushrooms

Portion of preserved Mushrooms, canned mushrooms
Image Credit: HandmadePictures and Shutterstock.

It might be the texture or sometimes, the taste, but mushrooms are a very decisive food. Some people will do anything for mushrooms while others are immediately troubled just by looking at them.

18. Seaweed Crisps

Image Credit: Art_Pictures/Shutterstock.

It sounds strange at first, but once you try seaweed chips, they’re really not that bad and are a good source of nutrition. If you like sushi, maybe give seaweed crisps a try.

19. Orange Chocolate

orange chocolate
Image Credit: Africa Studio/Shutterstock.

When it comes to chocolate-covered fruit, a lot of people think of strawberries, but oranges are also really popular. There’s something people like about the citrus and the sweetness of the chocolate, while that’s a big issue for others.

20. Eel

baked ell
Image Credit: jazz3311/Shutterstock.

Seaweed can be an issue for a lot of people, and the stranger the seafood, the harder it is to get people to like it. A lot of people love eel, while others would be terrified to touch it.

Source: Reddit.



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