Friday, September 15, 2023
HomeFinancial AdvisorFuture Proof 2023: That's a Wrap!

Future Proof 2023: That’s a Wrap!


I made it back home from California late last night after a long day of travel and an exhausting but absolutely exhilarating week.

Following the breakout success of Future Proof 2022, this year’s event was even bigger and better — almost 3,000 attendees and nearly 200 sponsors. Everything about this year was next level — the audience, the sponsors, the bands, it was amazing!

I could not be prouder of my team, who did a bang-up job representing RWM at the event. And I am so grateful to be working with our partners at Advisor Circle. Together, we have managed to create an entirely new type of financial conference. Mad props to Matt & John for coming up with Breakthru, literally the most innovative way of speed dating between advisors, fund managers, custodians, tech providers, and all other attendees.

It was truly amazing, as the photos below show. Ask anyone who was there about what it was like. If you have any sort of FOMO now is the chance for you to save the date for next year and make sure you get your butt out there:

Future Proof 2024 will be September 15-18th, 2024

See you there next year!




See also:
Hip-hop stars and financial luminaries: Ritholtz Wealth Management redesigns the investment conference
by Bob Pisani
CNBC, September 11, 2023


RIP Financial Conferences (September 15, 2022)

Futureproof Recap: Days 1, 2 & 3 (September 13, 2022)

Future Proof 2022 (Reviews)



Here is the RWM and Advisor Circle Teams group photo


The founding partners of RWM


A live recording of Animal Spirits

Different view

Parrotheads Tropical Bros:

Me & Cliff talking taxes and risk management


I am a big G-Love & Special Sauce fan!


For all the WuTang fans:

Spectacular California Sunset



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