Tuesday, October 17, 2023
HomeDebt FreeTop 5 National + Debt Counsellors 2023

Top 5 National + Debt Counsellors 2023

This year you do not have to wait for the day of the Debt Review Awards to find out the Top 5 in the new National + Category.

Normally, the Top 5 rated candidates in each Debt Counsellor size category are only announced during the Debt Review Awards Gala.

This is not the case this year for the new subdivision of the National Debt Counsellors category (National +). Due to the nature of these very large practices it was decided to announce the Top 5 in advance.

Top 5 National + Debt Counsellors

(in Alphabetical Order)

Debt Rescue
National Debt Advisors 
National Debt Counsellors 

Those waiting to find out the Top 5 in the various other size categories will however have to wait till they are announced during the Live Stream of the Debt Review Awards Gala, which is being held in Gauteng this year.

The Gala will be streamed (after a 2 hour stream of the industry Pre Show) from 2pm on Friday 20th.



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