Monday, January 1, 2024
HomeFinancial AdvisorThe Latest In Financial #AdvisorTech (January 2024)

The Latest In Financial #AdvisorTech (January 2024)

Welcome to the January 2024 issue of the Latest News in Financial #AdvisorTech – where we look at the big news, announcements, and underlying trends and developments that are emerging in the world of technology solutions for financial advisors!

This month’s edition kicks off with the news that held-away asset management platform Pontera has raised $60 million in venture capital funding as advisors increasingly seek to directly manage clients’ 401(k) and other outside assets – although an ongoing investigation by Washington state regulators over whether advisors’ use of Pontera violates state regulations on accessing data with client passwords, and/or employer retirement plans’ terms of service, raises questions over whether Pontera (and the advisors who use it) can convince regulators that its underlying model doesn’t violate client privacy.

From there, the latest highlights also feature a number of other interesting advisor technology announcements, including:

  • JPMorgan has announced plans to shut down its robo-advisor offering after just four years, highlighting broadly the challenges of robo-advisors to overcome the challenging economics of acquiring and serving small clients, and in particular showing that even a company like JPMorgan with a large customer base can struggle to distribute its offerings when those offerings don’t match the needs or wants of its (largely banking-focused) customers
  • Envestnet is rumored to be exploring a sale of account aggregation provider Yodlee, which highlights the struggles that account aggregation has had in living up to its original promise to provide holistic insights into client data – in large part because it has been such a challenge to maintain the integrity of the data itself, leaving little capacity to figure out how to convert that data into meaningful insights for advisors
  • Income Lab has announced that it has chosen BridgeFT to provide it with API access to multi-custodian data for its retirement planning software, signaling more broadly the need for API hubs that can allow technology startups to access custodial data without the cumbersome process of building and maintaining connections with individual custodians – a need that BridgeFT has risen to fill with its WealthTech API solution.

Read the analysis about these announcements in this month’s column, and a discussion of more trends in advisor technology, including:

  • Arch, a technology provider aiming to streamline the significant administrative and paperwork burden of managing multiple alternative investments, has completed a $20 million Series A funding round as advisors’ interest in alternatives continues to grow (though it remains to be seen if investor interest in alternatives will stay as high in a higher interest rate environment)
  • The SEC has been soliciting feedback from RIAs on their use of AI technology as it seeks to finalize its proposed “Predictive Data Analytics” rule, which has been widely criticized as imposing an onerous compliance burden on firms surrounding the technology they use (even if that technology has little to do with AI to begin with)

And be certain to read to the end, where we have provided an update to our popular “Financial AdvisorTech Solutions Map” (and also added the changes to our AdvisorTech Directory) as well!

*And for #AdvisorTech companies who want to submit their tech announcements for consideration in future issues, please submit to!

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