Saturday, January 6, 2024
HomeValue InvestingSome links 1/2024 | value and opportunity

Some links 1/2024 | value and opportunity

Some links 1/2024

Some good year end reviews:
– Bruce Packard with a 2023 revew, some UK ideas and a stock write-up all in one
– Another, UK small cap focused year end review from Maynard Payton
– Very reflected Year end review from the Treasure Hunting substack
– Altay Capital with a year end review of its Japanese stock basket

Ian Cassel with an article that I also wanted to write but now don’t have to: The virtue of Active Patience

Undervalued Shares with a great post on Hilton

52 irrelevant but highly interesting things Kent Hendricks learned in 2023

Veteran VC Fred Wilson with a very positive outlook on 2024 (AI, Web3, Climate)

Interesting deep dive into US Steel, which once was the largest company of the world

The annual presentation of Ben Evans is always worth reading – “AI and everything else”



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