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HomeWork From HomeIs the Rainmaker Challenge Legit? (Student Reviews) 2024

Is the Rainmaker Challenge Legit? (Student Reviews) 2024

Is the rainmaker challenge legit?

7-Day Rainmaker Challenge Reviews

Did you see the Rainmaker Challenge ad like I did?

Sounds good right? Make money from home while the baby is sleep? Sign me up.

But I’ve been in the online business world for quite a while and sometimes when things seem too good to be true, they are! So, how do you find out if something is legitimate? Well, you find someone who has taken the Rainmaker challenge to see how was their experience.

When I googled, “Is the Rainmaker Challenge Legit?” I couldn’t BELIEVE how many reviews showed up from people who never even took it!

So instead of just Googling “rainmaker challenge reddit” I went and found ACTUAL people who have taken the challenge and you’ll NEVER believe the response I got.

8 people!

8 people responded to my request after asking for a real honest review sharing their experience after taking the Rainmaker Challenge and they did not hold back. They even told me how much they earned!

The best part about these responses is that many of them even shared their stores and products so you can see how it all works and looks in real life.

If you don’t know what the 7-Day Rainmaker Challenge is it’s a course that teaches you the basics of how to sell things on Amazon and how to find things to sell that can make you money. It includes:

  1. Daily video lessons.
  2. Interactive live Q&A sessions.
  3. Homework assignments to reinforce your learning.
  4. A valuable workbook to assist in your studies.

Before taking the plunge you can see if it’s worth it from those who have already taken it.

After doing my own analysis the 7-day challenge is 100% worth it but there are some things you’ll want to know beforehand as far as what you’ll need to pay for and exactly how much.

Because I took the challenge and do believe it’s worth it, I would receive an affiliate commission if you decide to click on a link and make a purchase because I do believe this is good BUT only for the right person.

Read on to hear Rebecca’s experience with the Rainmaker Challenge and then scroll to the bottom to see the other reviews. I asked them all the same questions.

Rainmaker Challenge Personal Review – Is it worth it?

honest review of rainmaker challenge

1. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got started with The Rainmaker Family?

In 2020 my husband got a salary cut with Covid going on around and we were experiencing financial stress. I had been a stay at home mom since my oldest was born and had 4 children that included 2 babies in diapers still.

That year in 2020 I had made a vision board with some goals and dreams and it included a financial upgrade. Quite honestly I had been praying for years for something I could do from home to make money and help my husband without sacrificing my children because I still wanted to be a stay at home mom to watch and care for them.

While scrolling on Facebook that year I saw this ad but never gave much attention to it as I thought it was a scam. On February 2021 I saw the same ad again and it make me curious to click this time.

So I clicked and that night I went to bed at 3am because I was reading through everything it had but specially all these testimonials and screenshots with people’s results. I thought to myself that there was no way this guy had paid so many people to say those things. There was just way too many people.

In my heart I felt it was true. So I talked with my husband and told him I was going to do the 7 day challenge because I truly thought there was an opportunity there.

2. Were you hesitant about working with Rainmakers at the beginning?

I was hesitant at first to trust but after the 7 day challenge I was hooked! I knew I could do it and best of all it was an answer to my prayer of years and years because I could do it all from home.

We had no money to pay for the mastermind but we had a side business that we had opened three years prior and my husband gave me this idea of applying for a business loan because he knew one of our banks were giving loans to help businesses because of the pandemic.

We applied for that loan and got the amount we needed for the mastermind. It was a huge blessing for us!

3. There are different ways of approaching Amazon through private labeling, wholesale, etc. What route did you take and how would you explain the process of how the method you chose works to a friend?

So when I started with Amazon I followed every step of the course and did what we were taught to do which was private labeling. We had this product idea during the pandemic and before joining The Rainmakers so I went forward with that idea because in my heart it was the right thing for us. It took me 9 months to launch my first product due to back and forths with the sample, Chinese New Year’s and so forth.

The method works because we use a few Helium10 tools to find keywords that people are looking for and with these tools we know search volume, how many competitors or in other words, how many products are listed for these keywords, their prices, sale history and so on.

This way we do an analysis of trends and search volume versus the quantity of products. With that we look at the bad reviews of the main competitors that are selling well and we find ways to improve these products.

We then find manufacturers and work with them to develop our product ideas and manufacture them so we can send those to Amazon and sell. This is a brief summary of how it all works.

4. Did you have any experience with this before getting started?

I only had experience with online research and website editing but not with manufacturing and how to contact manufacturers and what to look for and such. I will tell you what I had: a big dream and an even bigger desire to make this work. If it was working so good for these people in the testimonials I read it would definitely work for me too!

5. Any Pros or Cons to working with The Rainmaker Family? Anything you wish the course had, but didn’t? Anything you’re especially grateful for?

The pros are that you get to interact with Stephen and Chelsey who are very knowledgeable. We get to have coaches who guide us in the beginning.

We get to read the experiences of those who started before us. We get to be connected with likemind people who are also eager to make it work in a very friendly and open hearted way which quite honestly I have never seen this type of group before.

I think what I wish the course taught was how to manage the money, credit cards and pay taxes since those are very important things for beginners who just wish to get things right and not suffer financially with this awesome business we worked so hard to initiate.

6. How much did you invest before you saw any results?

I invested in the 7 day challenge which was $27 and the mastermind which was $5K. I started seeing results even before I launched my products on Amazon because they taught us other ways to make money and one of them was this mini course on how to do dropshipping. So I did dropshipping and was seeing results even before my products were launching on Amazon.

7. Knowing what you know now about Amazon, do you think it is necessary to work with a coaching program like Rainmakers to get started or could you have done this on your own?

I definitely think working with a coaching program is necessary so you cut many mistakes beginners usually make.

But I am not saying that with a coach you will not make any but you will make much less. Amazon is a giant beast and if you don’t have a supporting group who can answer your questions right away when you need them you will take 1) a much longer time and 2) you will burn money doing the wrong things.

Not an impossible thing to do but just much much harder.

8. After joining Rainmakers how long did it take for you to get your first sale?

Hahaha…Excuse me. I was crying here because I just loved remembering the joy of getting my very first sale the exact day of my launch. I am not kidding! My very first organic sale was the exact day I launched and my products and listing were available. What a sweet emotional moment!

9. How much have you earned since joining Rainmakers?

Since joining The Rainmakers I have made about $310,000 in sales. These are two full years of sales.

10. What tools or resources are needed to become successful with the Amazon FBA program?

You need:
1) Persistence
2) Faith
3) The Rainmaker’s Mastermind program
4) Helium10
5) An understanding that you always have to be learning.

11. What does a typical day look like for you now?

I am a stay at home mom, so I do things in my house, pick kids from school, take them to their piano lessons, soccer, gymnastics, help my kids with homework, and so on. I try to work when my three oldest are at school and at night after they go to bed.

12. What advice would you give to someone who wants to become successful with Amazon FBA?

To become successful my advice is to choose one program and focus all your attention on learning and mastering it. I see way too many people who start one program and get side tracked with the next bling they see so they start hopping on one thing after another without ever accomplishing anything of substance and success.

13. What types of products do you sell, feel free to be as specific or broad as you’d like?

I have three brands. From one brand, I sell a baby product that helps newborn babies develop an inside belly button and this is called the Baby Belly Button Shaper Plug and I also sell the patch box and the tape that is used with it.

The second brand is AdDRESsingMe and I started selling glamorous flip flops with rhinestones for women in three colors and this next summer we will have ten colors.

The last brand is Fancy Wrappers in which I sell stunning fabric truffle wrappers with pears in white, beige and red.

14. Would you like us to mention your brand for more exposure in the article? If YES, list your brand name here:

Yes, my brands are Baby Belly Button Shaper, AdDRESSingMe and Fancy Wrappers.

Storefronts: Baby Belly Button Shaper, AdDRESsingMe

WOW! Thank you so much for this review and even sharing your stores! Your success is so inspiring.

Now, this was just ONE of the reviews, if you’d like to binge on the rest, see below:

  • See how much Bailee invested and how much she has made since
  • See what Amber didn’t like about the challenge
  • Take a look how Laken bought a brand that another Rainmaker had already started
  • Read this to see when Jessica felt overwhelmed with the challenge
  • See how Amber shares how much capital to have before purchasing your first product
  • Find out how Jenny thinks the coaching calls have changed since she started


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