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HomeBudgetCan a Spender and a Saver Live in Financial Harmony?

Can a Spender and a Saver Live in Financial Harmony?

Tension is thick in the air, sparks flying as a couple stands face-to-face, locked in an intense struggle. But this isn’t just any battleā€”it’s the battleground of finances, where love and money collide!

In one corner, we have Lara, a fierce spending Guardian armed with spreadsheets and determination. And in the other corner, we have Johan, a Joy-Seeker, wielding credit cards like swords of extravagance.

Their epic saga of financial disagreements unfolds like a blockbuster movie, complete with passionate arguments, eye rolls that could shatter glass, and the occasional dramatic exit.

Opposites attract, right? So, we shouldnā€™t be surprised when our very-different-than-us partners have an opposing approach to money. Can the relationship still work? Is it possible to find a healthy middle ground when you’re managing money as a couple?

Can a shopaholic and an obsessive saver co-exist without clashing over money? So many questions. Let’s find out the answers.

Psst… take our Spending Personality Quiz to discover what your spending habits say about your values. Share it with your partner to compare results!

Meet Alex and Sarah

We talked to Alex and Sarah, a real-life YNABĀ couple from San Francisco who live on opposite ends of the money spectrum. Alex works for a large tech firm and loves to count every penny that comes in. Sarah is a psychologist who enjoys the finer things in life and doesnā€™t mind spending the money to get them. The couple recently had twins, so money has become a doubly important topic of conversation.

Alex (the saver) and Sarah (the spender) have figured out a system that works for them. It came down to just two things: a YNAB date night… and wine.

Itā€™s was difficult to have money talks

Alex: ā€œI think we both can agree it was and still can be difficult to talk about money. We both bring a lot of student debt, and at one time, a good amount of credit card debt, which can feel like a real downer. I think in different ways, and at different times, we both wanted to avoid it all.ā€

Sarah: ā€œYeah, and itā€™s what we donā€™t say that can really create problemsā€”because when assumptions, guilt, and shame go unaddressed? That is why people fight about money. But the YNABĀ app was a real game-changer for us. It was all right there, we had to make decisions about what our priorities were as a couple, and gave us an opportunity to articulate and understand what is important to each of us individually.

The key: a YNABĀ date night and wine

Alex: ā€œWeā€™ve learned that the key for us is 1) A YNAB date night. We set aside a day and a time when we can both be present. It keeps us communicating, accountable to our spending plan, and on the same page, working toward the same goals. 2) Wine!ā€

Sarah: ā€œAnd I feel like YNAB has helped us come to terms with our student debt. We know it is a reality. We know we want to be done with it. It is on our list of priorities as a category now, and we can think about other things.ā€

Alex: ā€œHonestly, I think the biggest struggle is really making the decision to face your finances. Until we both committed to our shared spending plan, it was awkward, and tense, and contentious. But once we both agreed to deal with, eyes wide open, itā€™s felt very different. We arenā€™t victims, or opponents, we are in controlā€”together.ā€

They found common ground

Sarah: ā€œI believe we have the same big picture financial goals. For example we both can agree on what to save for: a home, retirement, and college. On top of that, we both value travel, so spending money on that is never considered a waste.ā€

Alex: ā€œAnd having an emergency fund, must always have a good amount in savings. But yes, travel is important, we both value experience over tangible itemsā€”maybe thatā€™s why we still rent!ā€

YNABĀ lets you create a shared spending plan tailored to your unique goals, passions, and priorities as a couple. No need to sacrifice vacation!Ā It’s all about funding the life you want.

They learned to compromise

Sarah: ā€œOnce we really started YNABing together, it didnā€™t feel like we had to compromise all that much. We agreed on our big priorities, and then we both have some things that are important to us individually. We each get some of our own money in the spending plan every month that we can spend on whatever we want. I always spend mine and Alex always saves hisā€”thatā€™s how we are hard-wiredā€”but that is OK! Sometimes I have to get creative, which I kind of love doing. Nothing is more fun than a good deal!ā€

Alex: ā€œOur YNABĀ plan gives us a framework to talk about our finances. Weā€™re both in-the-know and invested in the big picture and I think that makes compromise happen more naturally.ā€

…And give each other grace

What are some money habits you are still trying to break for the sake of the relationship?

Alex: ā€œI have stopped saying no to every big purchase item that Sarah suggests.ā€

Sarah: ā€œItā€™s true. That was bad.ā€

Alex: ā€œNot automatically saying no, allows us to talk it through and come to a mutual decision. Or at the very least, I get to lay out my case, and that makes me feel better.ā€

Sarah: ā€œI still struggle with impulse purchases, but Iā€™m much better than I was.ā€

Every couple is different, of course, but there are some proven strategies that help partners navigate their finances together:

1. Give every dollar a job

Sit down together and decide what every dollar needs to do before you spend a dime. This will force you to think through what is most important to youā€”both together and as individualsā€”stay on the same page, and make better decisions.

2. The future is (almost) now

By treating larger, less frequent expenses as monthly commitments (YNABĀ Rule Two), when a bigger expense hits, the money is just sitting there, ready to do its job. No stress. No scrambling. No fighting. No credit cards required.

Happy couple using app together

3. Live on last monthā€™s income

It wonā€™t happen overnight, but if you can save up a buffer, you can pay this monthā€™s bills with money you earned last month. That is the goal. Living on last monthā€™s income gives you margin, and margin means freedom. When a bill comes in and you can just pay it. Sure, makes talking about your finances more fun!

4. Yours, mine, and ours

Identifying and talking about your shared priorities and dreams for the future is important. But donā€™t pretend that both of you donā€™t have your own priorities. Winning financially happens over the long-term, if you are going to stick with a spending plan, it needs to be realistic and sustainable. So, assign dollars for your shared priorities and your individual passions.

Ready to learn everything there is to know about managing money with your honey? Check out our comprehensive guide on Managing Money as a Couple.

5. Talking, talking, more talking

Establish a regular time to review and adjust your YNABĀ spending plan. Your priorities will change over time (like when you have twins!), your feelings will change, your circumstances will changeā€”and you want to be sure that your spending plan, and both partners, are moving in the same direction. More awareness and accountability means more progress.

Alex and Sarahā€™s story is a good reminder that compromise is an important part of every healthy relationship. Find common ground and establish clear communication. Develop goals that you are both invested in achieving together. Be aware of each of your habits and tendencies so can spend with more intention. And above all, keep talking. Be honest and open about all of itā€”regrets, fears, hopes, and dreamsā€”and tackle it all, as a winning team.

Two hearts

Other apps say finances are about ā€œyouā€ and ā€œme.ā€ At YNAB, you donā€™t have to pay more if managing money is about ā€œweā€ in your life.

So go aheadā€”wave goodbye to stressful arguments and embrace a future where love and money coexist harmoniously. Witness the magic unfold as your shared dreams become a reality, one priority at a time. Your YNAB spending plan acts as a mediator, ensuring that you and your partner are on the same page every step of the way.

Ready to turn your own money battles into legendary triumphs? Invite your partner to join your YNAB subscription and discover how our financial harmony tool rescues relationships from the jaws of financial chaos. No matter what youā€™re going through togetherā€”from job loss to financial gains to babiesā€”your spending plan will always be with you as a guide.

Are you and your partner on the same financial frequency? Change your relationship with money (and each other) by learning why you spend the way you do and how to turn that energy into spending synergy with our Spending Personality quiz.



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