Monday, July 15, 2024
HomeMacroeconomicsMy blog is flying across the world today … – William Mitchell...

My blog is flying across the world today … – William Mitchell – Modern Monetary Theory

I am travelling to Europe and the UK today so will not have the time necessary to write anything here. I will be at the UK MMT Conference – at Leeds on Tuesday and Wednesday for some of the time and I might see a few people there. I am only away a few days this time. The next post will be Wednesday. For now an announcement and some music.

Book launch – Melbourne, Australia

We will be launching the new book – Modern Monetary Theory: Bill and Warren’s Excellent Adventure – at the – UK MMT Conference – at Leeds University, on Wednesday, July 15, 2024 at 9:45.

The book is now being posted out to those who pre-ordered it.

You can also get one from any of the major publishers on-line or in person.

However, the Australian launch will occur at Readings Bookshop (Hawthorn shop) in Melbourne on Thursday, September 12, 2024 starting at 18:30.

ABC Finance presenter Alan Kohler will join me at the event and we are going to call it Bill and Alan’s Excellent Evening! (-:

It will be a packed event and I will let you all know the more specific details as soon as Readings release them this week sometime.

By then Melbourne will be a little warmer than it is right now.

The book is currently #13 on – Amazon Hot New Releases – which I guess is okay given that it has not been officially published yet (that will happen on Wednesday).

Music – Max Richter

This is what I have been listening to this morning.

It is from the post-minimalist pianist and composer – Max Richter – who I like, not only because of the quality of his music, but also because he writes what he calls ‘protest music’ to make us think about major events and travesties, such as the illegal invasion of Iraq by the US and the UK (and other lackey states like Australia).

The track – She Remembers – was on the soundtrack of a TV series – The Leftovers – and was published in 2014.

Perfect travelling music.

That is enough for today!

(c) Copyright 2024 William Mitchell. All Rights Reserved.



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