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HomeBudgetBlackberry Simple Syrup - Sustainable Cooks

Blackberry Simple Syrup – Sustainable Cooks

Learn how easy it is to make your own Blackberry Simple Syrup for desserts, cocktails, tea, and other drinks. You’ll love the amazing flavor of blackberry syrup for drinks and more.

a glass bottle of blackberry simple syrup with a glass of syrup and sparkling water with a gold straw.

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Enjoy this delicious blackberry simple syrup in your favorite drinks or drizzle it on top of desserts. It’s so simple to make, freezes like a dream, and tastes absolutely incredible!

What to Do With A Lot of Blackberries

If you have a glut of fresh blackberries (lucky you), making this simple syrup is an easy and tasty way to use some of them.

This is also the perfect opportunity to use some of those berries leftover from freezing blackberries rattling around in your freezer from last year? Clear out that space and use that fruit to make this delicious blackberry syrup for drinks.

More Blackberry Recipes You’ll Love


a pitcher of water, a measuring cup of sugar, and a bowl of blackberries.

You only need three simple ingredients for this recipe – sugar, water, and blackberries. You can use fresh or frozen blackberries.

If using frozen blackberries, start with only 1/2 cup of water and adjust as needed. They will release a lot of extra liquid as they cook.

You can use white or raw sugar, just keep in mind that the darker color of the raw sugar will result in a syrup that is darker/browner.

Splenda and non-sugar substances will work to sweeten the syrup but will keep the final consistency very thin and watery.

If you’d like to add herbs like rosemary or thyme, add them to the berries while they’re simmering in the saucepan. Strain them out when everything has finished cooking.


Much like the Honey Simple Syrup we use in our Mojito Mocktail, this blackberry version has so many uses.

You can drizzle it over Instant Pot Cold Start YogurtStrawberry Waffles, or Oatmilk Pancakes. Or pour some over vanilla or Peach Ice Cream for a delicious dessert.

Keep a jar on hand and add it to Healthy Tea Popsicles, Instant Pot Iced Tea, or Healthy Sweet Tea for a perfect flavor. It’s also delicious just mixed with plain sparkling water.

3 photos showing how to make blackberry syrup.

Pro Tips/Recipe Notes

  • Pushing the cooked berries through a sieve may result in a slightly cloudy syrup, but it’s still perfectly safe to eat and will taste the same. I prefer to push it through to get more product out of the berries. Waste not, want not!
  • Most simple syrup recipes call for a 1:1 ratio of water to sugar. I only use 1/2 cup of sugar in this recipe to allow the natural sweetness of the berries to shine through. You can use more, but I encourage you to start with 1/2 cup and adjust to taste.
  • Your simple syrup will last for up to three weeks in the fridge. Do not store at room temperature.
  • Freeze excess blackberry syrup so that you always have some on hand. Use ice cube trays or small Souper Cubes and transfer frozen cubes to a freezer bag (reusable if possible).
  • To use: start with 1-2 tsp per serving and adjust to taste.


a hand pouring blackberry syrup into a glass with a gold straw.

Blackberry Simple Syrup

Prep Time5 mins

Cook Time20 mins

Total Time25 mins

Learn how easy it is to make your own blackberry simple syrup for desserts, cocktails, tea, and other drinks. You’ll love the amazing flavor of blackberry syrup for drinks and more.

  • Combine water, sugar and blackberries in a saucepan.

    1 cup water, 1.5 cups blackberries, 1/2 cup sugar

  • Bring to a boil and keep at a rolling boil for 1 minute, stirring often.

  • Reduce to a simmer and cook on low for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

  • Place a fine-mesh strainer over a bowl and pour the mixure through the strainer.

  • Cool slightly, taste, and add more sugar if you prefer a sweeter flavor.

  1. If using frozen blackberries, start with only 1/2 cup of water and adjust as needed. They will release a lot of extra liquid as they cook.
  2. You can use more or less sugar. Start with 1/2 cup and adjust to taste.
  3. The syrup will last for up to three weeks in the fridge. Do not store at room temperature. It will freeze for 3-6 months.
  4. To use: start with 1-2 tsp per serving and adjust to taste.

Nutrition Facts

Blackberry Simple Syrup

Amount Per Serving (1 tsp)

Calories 8

% Daily Value*

Fat 0.02g0%

Saturated Fat 0.001g0%

Polyunsaturated Fat 0.01g

Monounsaturated Fat 0.002g

Sodium 0.2mg0%

Potassium 6mg0%

Carbohydrates 2g1%

Fiber 0.2g1%

Sugar 2g2%

Protein 0.1g0%

Vitamin A 8IU0%

Vitamin C 1mg1%

Calcium 1mg0%

Iron 0.02mg0%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

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