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10 Worst Books of All Time

Recently a Redditor asked, “What is the worst book you’ve ever read? I’ve read some great books based on suggestions here, and now I want to have fun. What is the most garbage book you’ve ever come across?”

They elaborated, “Something so terrible. Bordering on being laughable, you couldn’t believe something like this got published. I want to laugh at some terrible writing tonight!” The internet responded to deliver this book list of the worst books of all time. 

10. Evermore by Alyson Noel

Solace143 responded, “Evermore by Alyson Noel. It’sIt’s your basic late 2000s Twilight rip-off, but worse. There’s not much of a plot until the end, the characters are bland, and the supernatural aspects feel clunky.”

They continued, “Admittedly, it’s not super funny aside from the part where the vampire love interest, who’s from the Renaissance but looks seventeen, reveals he bets on fixed horse races but still.” Another user joked, “Are you sure this is not Twilight: New Moon? Just kidding. New Moon didn’t have vampires with a sense of humor.”

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9. Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman’s Search for Everything Across Italy, India, and Indonesia by Elizabeth Gilbert

Redditor jelaireddit answered, “Eat, Pray, Love. Anyone who can see all the poverty in India but still be intent on finding themselves is way too self-indulgent for me. The number of tourists who do this made me feel ill.  Eat, Pray, Love made me want to puke.”

They continued, “She seemed to decide in retrospect that every decision she made, even if it contradicted her previous intentions, was the absolute best thing she could’ve done at that moment. She was so self-absorbed.”

8. One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez

Another Redditor said, “I couldn’t get into One Hundred Years of Solitude. It was so painful, slow, and just dull.” LuisBitMe replied, “Hey, it’s someone else who didn’t like One Hundred Years of Solitude. I know the reuse of names or part names from character to character was symbolic, but that made it very confusing for me. On the other hand, perhaps it was because I wasn’t very into it.”

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7. Untamed by Glennon Doyle

KatyOneEighty named “Untamed by Glennon Doyle. It’s written like she wants people to take inspirational quotes from it to put on their Instagram over a moody landscape picture.”

Redditor sc_etownrn replied, “I 100% agree!! I couldn’t finish it. I hate books that treat the audience like everything has to be spelled out for them.” Finally, ryzt900 added, “THIS. She also crammed in approximately ten metaphors per page. Drove me nuts.”

6. The Alchemist by Paul Coelho

Redditor kristicuse stated, “I wholeheartedly agree. However, after hearing so many people rave about it, I was almost convinced I read an entirely different book—pseudo-philosophical garbage. How this book consistently makes people’s top ten lists is beyond me. Have they not read eleven books in their life?”

Another user, chunknorith, confessed, “I considered this book a favorite after reading it in my early 20s. I tried to reread it in my 30s and marveled at how much we can convince ourselves we’re adults before we are. Paulo Coelho mansplains morality and enlightenment, vol 1.”

5. Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling

Rylikes9 answered, “Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling. It was awful. I managed to finish it, but it’s the book that made me realize I don’t have to finish books I don’t like. It is a terrible book.” SophiaofPrussia added, “If you think that’s bad, then you should check out her latest novel, persecution rant. It’s unhinged, incoherent, and it’s so so so bad.”

4. Robin Cook Novels

BitOCrumpet summarized, “I read a Robin Cook novel once that was so bad I got sore eyes from rolling them two times every paragraph. This book was so bad I could not stop reading it because I was in awe of how awful it was. This book was so bad that I considered using it for toilet paper but decided my anus did not deserve that kind of punishment.”

They concluded, “This book was so bad I wanted to burn the alphabet down. This book was so bad I threw it in the garbage. I did not even recycle it. This book was so bad I do not recall the title of this book. I had to drink to finish this book. I still remember how my eyes hurt because I was rolling them that much. It was a terrible book.” Several people agreed with this sentiment about the author.

3. Anything by Colleen Hoover

Effective_Many8946 nominated “Anything by Colleen Hoover! Her characters have no dimensions, and the writing is so bland. I do not understand why Booktok is obsessed with her. ResidentNo2467 added, “Verity is one of the worst books I’ve ever read.” Finally, gypsyartist19 stated, “I didn’t HATE it ends with us, but it certainly wasn’t my favorite. I was entertained, but it screamed Twilight, minus the vampires.”

2. Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant To Be by Rachel Hollis

Redditor Rachel-Karen-Green– (awesome name) stated, “It’s apparently plagiarized as well.” Users speculated she plagiarized it from dozens of random Instagram captions before Redflawslady said, “Mostly 80s and 90s self-help gurus. Since it wasn’t published on the internet, she thought no one would ever know that she stole all their ideas and made them her own.”

1. Fifty Shades of Grey by E. L. James

Lizzieanne68 admitted, “I cannot believe it got made into three movies. Bleah. It’s like the author needed a thesaurus not to keep reusing the same dumb phrases.” Naddli agreed, “I second Fifty Shades, never have I ever seen someone which such a notable lack of skill and vocabulary get a book deal. I didn’t even read a whole book, let alone the series.”

They elaborated, “I just played a game of let’s open these books to random pages to see if the writing ever gets better- let me assure you, it does not! Also, not writing but content, I hate hate hate Firefly Lane. The narcissistic main character, the romanticization of codependency, and borderline emotional abuse get me angry. And the book has excellent ratings!! I just can’t.”

We hope you enjoyed this Reddit picks list of the worst books of all time. Don’t forget to check out five decades of the worst movies of all time for further disappointment and laughs.

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