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Load Shedding Causes Disruptions
The recent high levels of load shedding have hit hard and businesses and homes are being effected.
Eskom has been struggling to keep the lights on across the country. They have made big efforts to cut off power to those who do not or have not paid in the past (which while making business sense has not been met with enthusiasm from those who must now pay or go without power).
Due to load shedding consumers are also using less electricity. This means that to make as much money as before Eskom needs to put their prices up (and to cover inflation etc). They asked for a lot and got 2/3rds of what they wanted. Eskom is now getting an 18% tariff increase as of 1 April (yes, April Fools Day).
As it stands, load shedding will be around for a long long time to come as the power generator struggles to get sabotage, lack of skills and poor maintenance and development under control.
Courts Hit By Load shedding
Some courts across the country are being impacted by load shedding despite precautions to try ensure they are not.
Pretoria Court is one such court and several cases and matters have had to be postponed to future dates as back up generators were unable to keep up with the demand and the court fell into darkness at the start of the week. The problems apparently stem from issues at a local Eskom substation.
Please note this may impact on debt review court dates/matters due to knock on effects or if the problems persist. Debt Counsellors and their attorneys should stay in touch.
If there is a delay consumers should be informed.
The legal side of debt review can make consumers nervous but the professionals take care of everything and matters, generally, run smoother than ever (even though there are challenges at some courts).
If you are beginning debt review then you can ask your Debt Counsellor what your local court is like when it comes to debt review matters.