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HomeBankCupid-Approved Valentine's Day Ideas

Cupid-Approved Valentine’s Day Ideas

Cupid Approved Valentine’s Day Ideas

“I’ll give you all I got to give if you say you’ll love me too
I may not have a lot to give but what I got I’ll give to you
I don’t care too much for money, money can’t buy me love.”

–          The Beatles

Okay, we’ve established that money can’t buy you love. No one said anything about Credit Cards though, right? ‘Tis the season of love and we’re going all out to help you celebrate. Time to flash your shiny card and make some memories! Every day is Valentine’s Day if you want it to be, sure. But that one day dedicated to love deserves a little attention, don’t you think? While the list could go on, we’ve picked a few that will also save you from a humongous bill at the end of the month. Romance on a budget. You like the sound of that, don’t you? Go ahead then – swipe away for love!

Additional Reading: Dating Rules: How To Not Get Poorer In Love

Rub Dub
The smell of essential oils, some soothing music and a person you’ve only just met gently massaging every inch of your skin. Wait, what? We’re kidding! Seriously though, some indulgence at a spa could be a great way to spend the day. Most spa centres have discounted packages for couples too. Apart from the obvious calming effect, it also makes you feel good about breaking away from the humdrum of daily life (unless you’re very rich and have a masseuse at your beck and call). However, do not forget to compare your options. Check out customer reviews and pick that one you like. Call them up and ooze your charm over the phone – negotiate. Enough said. Happy oiling!

Close(er) Encounters
Research says that 66.23% people do not visit popular holiday destinations that are close to where they live. Research also says that 99.99% of statistics are made up. Heh? Sorry about that! What we’re trying to say is that a romantic getaway doesn’t really need to be somewhere far – just a place you’ve never been to. Every place becomes exotic as long as you’re in august company, right? Of course, right! With a ton of travel websites doing the rounds, you’ll be spoilt for choice. Like Rihanna, you may just find love in a hopeless place too.  Go online, whip out your Credit Card and make reservations. Good love is on the way!

Additional Reading: 5 Ways To Rein In Your Credit Card Expenses While Under Cupid’s Spell

Let’s paint a picture here. Imagine if you will – wide open roads, your lover holding onto you for dear life and the wind against your face. To top it all off – a mean machine roaring away to glory as you accelerate and open up the engine. A scene straight out of a movie, no? We could tell you how to recreate this scene in real life, frame by frame, if only you would wipe that dreamy look off your face! The elements in the equation don’t quite add up, do they? The expensive bike – let’s take care of that.  Enter luxury bike rentals! The concept of vehicle rentals is gaining popularity in the country and premium bikes are now up for rent at nominal rates with options to pay by the hour. Take that mean Harley for a spin and let your Credit Card cover it. Won’t burn a hole in your pocket and is guaranteed to evoke some strong emotions. Get our drift?  Side effects include some totally rad photographs!

Additional Reading: Valentine’s Day Gifts For Bae

Heal The World
We’ve saved the best for last because it’s out absolute favourite. Also, it’s guaranteed to up the feel-good factor. When was the last time you fed an animal? If you have pets at home, we feel very stupid about asking you this question. It’s quite something though, making even a tiny bit of difference in an animal’s life. Here’s the plan. There are many animal shelters out there with a shortage of supplies. How about sponsoring a nice, hearty meal for the furry residents? Take the day to spread a little cheer and fill the bellies of our fellow, four-legged earthlings. The gratitude on their faces will be reward enough to keep you grinning for a week.  You will be surrounded by love in the truest sense. What say? Pull out your Credit Card and buy those supplies! Unconventional but highly recommended.

We hope this helps you out! Go on then. Make St Valentine proud! You might just be pre-approved for a nice Credit Card. Click below to find out!

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