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HomeWork From Home11 Best Copywriting Books For Writing Copy Like A Rockstar

11 Best Copywriting Books For Writing Copy Like A Rockstar

If you have been on the hunt for the best copywriting books out there, we will go over the basics of why you should learn from copywriting books, what to know, and then let’s dive into some options.

Whether you have been considering getting into copywriting or you already are a veteran to the space, it never hurts to spruce up your knowledge and read a great book on copywriting.

While there are a million YouTube channels out there on copywriting, few things still beat reading some of the classic copywriting books.

What Is A Copywriting Book?

Not all copywriting books are the same.

Some have information, some have examples of copywriting, some are stories of successful copywriters. If you are just beginning as a copywriter, it might be a good idea to buy a variety of books so you can learn everything you need to.

You will also find that some contradict each other. Some will say social media is amazing, some will say it is a waste of time. You will have to sort through them all to figure out what is a right fit for you.

It all depends on what kind of copywriting book you want to learn from.

Either way, you cannot go wrong by reading some of the best books out there on copywriting. You will almost always learn something new each time you do.

Why You Should Learn From A Copywriting Book

Like mentioned in the intro of this article, there are a ton of ways to learn copywriting.

You could go back to school, take an online course, watch videos on YouTube, do some freelance copywriting work, and so on. However, few things beat some of the classic books on copywriting.

With some of the classic books, they are often written by people who have proven themselves to be great copywriters. Whether they worked at some of the most famous ad agencies in the world, have an impressive client roster, or something else, you know they know what they are talking about.

A lot of people online do not have the same credentials as some published authors do, and many publishing companies will go the extra mile to vet the author before publishing their books.

Ideally, you learn from a lot of great sources out there so you can grow as a copywriter, however, below are some of the best books out there so you can get incredible information and insight.

11 Best Copywriting Books

It is time to dive into the best copywriting books out there so you can find one that works for you.

#1 – Ogilvy on Advertising by David Ogilvy

When it comes to learning about copywriting, you should always start with one of the first men who pioneered copywriting as we know it, David Ogilvy.

Ogilvy on Advertising is the book for anyone who not only wants to be a copywriter, but wants to work in advertising in general. It is a true behind-the-scenes look at successful ads and how advertising agencies create successful campaigns.

#2 – Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die by Chip Heath and Dan Heath

Now, this book isn’t specifically about copywriting, but at the same time, understanding the lessons in Made to Stick will make you a successful copywriter.

It is one of the few books that gives you a deep dive into what makes ideas either succeed out in the world or fall flat and die. If you want to make it as a copywriter, you will have to understand how to make your concepts “stick”.

#3 – The Boron Letters by Gary Halbert

The Boron Letters are one of those legendary books that should be required reading for copywriters. Gary C. Halbert was one of the most well-known copywriters out there and this is his personal take on what makes copywriting great and in general how to succeed with marketing.

His style and his approach is not for everyone, but if you want to succeed in this industry, it is worth a read.

#4 – This is Marketing by Seth Godin

Seth Godin is one of the modern day marketing experts who understands how to succeed online and grab attention. In This is Marketing: You Can’t Be Seen Until You Learn to See, you will start to understand the fundamental basics around copywriting and marketing.

#5 – Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk

If you are a copywriter who wants to work in social media marketing in any way, you will need to read Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk.

While social media has changed quite a bit through the past few years, seeing what goes into a great social media advertisement and understanding the mindset behind it can help you create winning campaigns.

Most of these books do not cover social media at all, so this is one of the few that do.

#6 – Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene Schwartz

Breakthrough Advertising is such a famous foundational book on advertising that it is hard to get your hands on a copy without spending a ton of money.

However, if you are able to get your hands on it, it is one of the best go-to guides on creating direct-response advertising out there.

#7 – Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content by Ann Handley

Everybody Writes is one of the best books on writing content that attracts and influences readers. While the book is specifically focused on content writing, all of the lessons apply to copywriters as well.

Attention spans have gotten shorter and shorter, so making content that stands out and grabs attention is more important than ever before.

#8 – The Ultimate Sales Letter by Dan Kennedy

Dan Kennedy is another one of those famous copywriters you will come across as you join this industry. Through his straightforward and honest approach, you will understand why some copy is great and other copy is not.

In The Ultimate Sales Letter you will see in a step-by-step way how to create an amazing ad or sales letter that is guaranteed to keep attention.

#9 – The Copywriter’s Handbook by Robert W. Bly

The Copywriter’s Handbook is another one of those books that will sit on your desk and that you will reference often as a copywriter. Even if you are not sure if you want to be a copywriter, but you do want to work in marketing, you should get a copy of this book.

You will learn things like what makes a great ad, how to hook readers with the subject line, how to make your copy readable, and so on.

#10 – The Adweek Copywriting Handbook by Joseph Sugarman

The Adweek Copywriting Handbook is one of those books you might keep on your desk all the time as a copywriter. It is a little old (since it says things like social media is a waste of time), but it is one of the best books on the tactical strategies behind writing copy.

#11 – Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini

Influence is not technically another book about copywriting, but it is one of the most famous books on persuasion out there.

Anyone who wants to be a successful copywriter or marketer will need to understand how persuasion works, especially since that is the heart of copywriting.

Want To Be A Freelance Writer?

If you want to be a freelance writer, but you are not sure which path is a good one for you, you will want to check out the writing career quiz.

This quiz will show you a variety of options when it comes to what you could do for your writing career, and help you narrow down which one would be a good fit for you.



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