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12 Unsettling Films That Push Boundaries

Do you enjoy seriously twisted and messed up movies? Are you searching for films that will completely shock you? Or blow your mind? You’re not alone. Here’s a list of 12 movies that will leave you unsettled.

Hard Candy (2005)

Image Credit: Lionsgate.

In Hard Candy, Elliot Page stars as a 14-year-old girl who meets an older, handsome photographer online. She agrees to come over to his house, where a seriously twisted cat-and-mouse game ensues.

For Bytowneboy2, the movie was so disturbing they started laughing at one particularly messed up scene. Apparently, their reaction crept their partner out so much it was one of the reasons they broke up with Bytowneboy2.

Jolly-Cake5896 shared, “Someone I knew saw Hard Candy at the cinema, and a man in the audience fainted at a particularly graphic scene.”

Trainspotting (1996)

Image Credit: PolyGram Filmed Entertainment.

PrivacyPlease confessed, “I love Trainspotting, but it’s one of those films that, after having a kid, I don’t think I could ever watch again.” CAPTCHA_is_hard agreed, “I came here for this. The baby scene SHOOK me!”

Schwenke admitted, “I remember seeing this and thinking they should show this in high school Health classes. It’s the biggest deterrent I’ve encountered to make me just say “NOPE” to heroin.” Another user, scrabapple agreed, “This is the #1 answer. It’s the most screwed-up good movie. You only want to watch it once.”

Swiss Army Man (2016)

Swiss Army Man
Image Credit: A24.

One movie fan nominated Swiss Army Man, which they said was “quite a journey.” This is one of those movies where you know in the opening credits scene if it’s the movie for you or not. 

Requiem for a Dream (2000)

Image Credit: Artisan Entertainment.

Requiem for a Dream is a movie many feel blew their minds. 

One fan admitted, “I love this movie and always watch it again. It’s just the score, and the cinematography makes me love it so much.”

Shaedeelady agreed, “It’s messed up, but the cinematography, score, and performances are incredible. I’ve watched it a few times. The book is fantastic as well. It’s also the one good role Jared Leto has ever played.” It’s also one of the films Redditors voted they couldn’t watch again.

One-Hour Photo (2002)

Robin Williams in One Hour Photo (2002)
Photo Credit: Fox Searchlight.

TheFemale72 said, “That movie is crazy. It’s the first time I realized what a brilliant dramatic actor Robin Williams was.” RoccoTaco_Dog replied, “He made such an awesome creeper.”

Aruu added, “Especially since he was still able to make you feel bad for him at certain points. Such as when they showed how lonely his character was and that deep down, he just wanted to be a part of a family like theirs. Also of note is how genuinely scared he looks during the movie’s final moments. What an incredible actor he was.”

Pan’s Labyrinth (2006)

Image Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures.

RedIzBk shared, “My mom (not a horror enthusiast at all) rented this thinking it was something like Peter Pan. So we watched it together, and it’s seriously messed up.”

Another Redditor stated, “When I saw it in theaters, a woman in front of me brought her little kid. When that scene happened, she got up and left ranting about how it was supposed to be a fairy tale.”

The Road (2009)

Image Credit: Dimension Films.

Redditor thelbro nominated “The Road. The basement scene is so messed up. I want to watch it again, but it’s so sad.” FurrrryBaby confessed, “Dude, the part where they catch the mom and her kid in the truck cage messed me up.”

They concluded, “It made me wonder what I’d do if it were my kid and me, and I’d probably put my kid down before we got back to the farm. So it’s the best call in that scenario. Just the bleakest possible outcomes from start to finish with that film.”

 American Psycho (2000)

Image Credit: Lions Gate Films.

Redditor innerfatboy3 confessed, “I always laugh at how coincidental it is that Christian Bale (Batman) slaughters Jared Leto (Joker) in that movie, lol.” User justsupersayinit stated, “That scene where he runs his credit card, and it gets rejected is what I imagine every time I pay for stuff with mine. “Run it again!”

ReapersVault, “God, the part where that sex worker is stumbling through his apartment and finds all this gruesome stuff is so disturbing, but then it’s freaking hilarious when Christian Bale chases her butt-naked, wielding a chainsaw and only wearing running shoes.”

Threads (1984)

Image Credit: BBC.

Reddit user rdewalt said, “They showed this movie to us as kids in Elementary School. So yeah. Why have a childhood that contains hope anyway?”

Redditor adamjq responded, “Now imagine being a kid in the 80s, living in Sheffield (where Threads scene is) and watching it. Fun times for me and my sister.” They concluded, “I’ve always said I’d rather be directly underneath the bomb than die from starvation/radiation sickness. Maybe that came from watching Threads as a kid.”

Night Crawler (2014)

Image Credit: Open Road Films

Menacing_Sea_Lamprey gave the number one voted answer. “I haven’t seen anyone say Night Crawler yet. This movie shows how a person with no empathy uses media’s desire for gore to enrich himself and his lack of emotion regarding people. It’s extremely creepy.”

Sylius735 said, “Jake Gyllenhaal is very good at doing fake sociopath charisma. He brought a similar quality when he played Mysterio in the Spider-Man film.”

Victor Zamora admitted, “I can’t watch him in ANYTHING without my skin crawling. Admittedly, this movie is incredibly tame compared to some of the films I’ve seen recommended, but he does such a great job of being evil and sleazy it makes me want to take a scalding hot shower.”

Se7en (1995)

Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman in Se7en (1995)
Photo Credit: New Line Cinema.

Se7en is a 1995 psychological thriller directed by David Fincher, starring Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman as two detectives who are trying to catch a serial killer who bases his murders on the seven deadly sins (pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and sloth). ls, shocking twist ending, and exploration of the nature of evil and human psychology.

“I saw Se7en when I was a young teenager at a sleepover,” wrote one person. “I didn’t want to watch it but had no choice. Terrified me, and whenever I saw a tree air conditioner for years after, I shuddered. It was such a dark film that it was often hard to see what was happening, and my brain filled in the gap with even worse stuff.”

The Deer Hunter (1978)

Christopher Walken in a scene from the film 'The Deer Hunter', 1978.
Photo Credit: Universal/Getty Images.

This 1978 war drama film was directed by Michael Cimino and stars Robert De Niro, Christopher Walken, and Meryl Streep. The story follows a group of working-class friends from a small Pennsylvania steel town who enlist in the Army to fight in the Vietnam War. The film depicts their experiences before, during, and after the war, including the brutalities of combat and the psychological effects it has on them.

“I love how all that time you spend with the characters,” explained one fan, “hanging out at the bar, the wedding, hunting–you really get to know everyone. So when the war comes along, you really feel for them.”

Source: Reddit.



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