M1 Finance is the most preferred investment app amongst users of all ages because it’s rather simple to use and provides you with many interesting bonuses and ways to earn money.
You can use their platform to invest, spend, and borrow money with multiple investment strategies at your disposal.
But that’s not all. We have prepared something special for all new users to get that much-needed head start.
Let’s dive in.
M1 Finance Bonus for New Users ($30 to $500)
You heard right! A $30 to $500 bonus for new users.
The best thing about this bonus is that it’s extremely easy to get your hands on it. You just have to open a free M1 account (with our partner link here) and make your first deposit.
The bonus amount you receive will depend on how much money you initially invest.
Here is a precise list:
- $1.000 – $4.999 = $30 bonus
- $5.000 – $9.999 = $75 bonus
- $10.000 – $29.999 = $150 bonus
- $30.000 – $49.999 = $300 bonus
- $50.000+ = $500 bonus
As you can see above, the amount you can get in bonuses will depend solely on how much money you choose to deposit after opening your free M1 Finance account.
M1 Finance Bonus for Transferred Users ($250 to $2,500)
If you are already using an investment app but want to switch to M1 Finance, you are eligible for a mind-boggling $2,500 bonus.
Here are the two steps you need to follow.
- You need to open an M1 Finance account that matches the account type you’re transferring using this link.
- Upload your documents securely through their encrypted form and let M1 Finance DO the rest
Same as the bonus program for new users, the amount you can earn in bonuses will depend on how much money you transfer to your new M1 Finance account.
- $100.000 – $249.999 = $250 bonus
- $250.000 – $499.999 = $500 bonus
- $500.000 – $999.999 = $1000 bonus
- $1.000.000+ = $2.500 bonus
M1 Finance Referral Bonus
For the cherry on top, we want to introduce you to the M1 Finance referral program.
When you open your M1 Finance account and start your investment journey, you have the option to join their referral program.
The M1 Finance referral program works rather simply. If you have friends that also want to start investing, they can enter the program with your own unique referral link and you can all earn up to $50 in bonuses. Sounds nice?
All you have to do is follow these few simple steps.
- Open your M1 Finance Dashboard in the app or click on your name if you are using their website
- Click on the “Refer & Earn” link
- Choose where do you want to receive your referral bonus
- Make money every time a friend signs up and deposits money in their new M1 Finance account
By following these steps, you and your friend can both earn from $10 to $50 in bonuses, which will take you one step ahead in the right direction.