Saturday, July 1, 2023
HomeWork From HomeWhy Are Heathen Kinder Than You?

Why Are Heathen Kinder Than You?

I’ve held this in for so long. I just can’t hold it in any longer.

My church of 5 years-ish (at the time), kicked me out. As a single CHRISTIAN mom, they threw me out of the church, and left me for dead. They left me to fend for myself with no outside help at all.

I am an orphan, I do not have living parents.

I am a single woman, no husband to care for me.

I have no one else to help me at all.

And yet, because I refused to lie, and out of the evilness in the Pastor’s heart for him to maintain his good standing (he knew I knew the truth and he didn’t want it to get out and is covering sin), I was shunned, kicked out, and not ever kicked out according to Matthew 18, but just thrown out.

I’ve had no one to care for me this whole time, I’ve been on my own.

Searching church after church for doctrinal statements and visiting and getting involved, only to find there are no godly churches in our area. It’s been rough.

But there are kind people who have helped me.

Out in the world, left to fend for myself, I’ve had strangers, Mormons come alongside me, and help me move furniture. Five men and one woman came and helped me move HEAVY bedroom furniture so that I could sell it.

I’ve seen the kindness of absolute strangers in Facebook groups who give to those in need. Give of their time, their resources, and their belongings to help others.

There have been many people in the community that I have met that genuinely want to help others.

Others have helped me move a washer and dryer.

Kindness is not dead in our society. It may be harder to find lately, that’s for sure, but it’s not dead. And here’s what I want to say.

Heritage Bible Church: WHY is the WORLD kinder than YOU?!?!?!?!?!

When I attended HBC, they threw people off to go to Love, Inc. to provide for needs when people came and needed help. I watched as Jim threw numerous people away, saying, “Go to Love, Inc. They will help.”

I called Love, Inc, in a time that I needed help. I contacted them several times and they NEVER contacted me back, ever.

Jim’s idea of “helping” people is no more than getting them off his own back in a “loving” but very unbiblical and backwards way. We were not ever truly HELPING people. Yes, it’s true Heritage Bible Church helped people, but only SELECTED people who fit the “RIGHT” criteria.

👉 What about all the other people?

👉  What about the dying? The lonely? The lost? The hungry?

If they were not part of HBC’s little “group”, the “in crowd”, they were tossed aside.

This is an outrage and appalling to Christianity everywhere.

Why is it that NON-BELIEVERS are found to be more loving, more caring, more genuinely concerned for the people, than TRUE CHRISTIANS???????? 😮

I’m appalled.

And I believe God is too. He is NOT happy with the behavior there in that church and it MUST be confronted.

It is NOT okay to call ourselves Christians and yet throw people away. Toss them aside.

Does Christ ever throw US away?


And we are to be like Jesus Christ, so why are they throwing people away, getting rid of them like that? Sloughing them off like yesterday’s news, pretending to care.

It’s disgusting behavior and I cannot be silent about it.

Now, God has put it into my heart to start a ministry in person.

I give online, many resources for free, each and every week through my newsletter and NOW, I also give to people locally who are in need.

I’ve gotten involved in the community and I’ve gathered things that people will need. Baby equipment, silverware, clothes, you name it, I’ve worked hard to get it.

I bought out of my own personal money, while suffering greatly and not able to pay my OWN bills, I have spent money, to help others. I drive around all day picking up free and donated things, in order to give to those who need them, WHILE I am suffering.

It’s all organized in my garage, a garage ministry if you will and anyone who has a need, I meet it if I have it. I gather the things that I think (and know) people will need, save it, and when a need arises, I give it to them.

I do this, because I’m tired of seeing people in true need being thrown out, kicked around, tossed aside, as I have been also.

I want to help. I need to help. I’m going to help!

I may not have much, but I have time. I have resources and I’m working very, VERY hard to meet the needs of strangers.


Because this is good.

This is what God has called us to do. If we see someone in need, we do not say to them, come back tomorrow (Proverbs 3:27-28). We help.

Heritage Bible Church does not help people. They are in gross sin and God is not happy about it, and while everyone else may be quiet about it, I WON’T be.

I’m going to speak, I’m going to sound the trumpets, and I’m going to let everyone know of the great sin they are in, in order that God is able to clean the church of those who are within the body of Christ that seek to destroy God’s good name purposely.

There are many wolves in there that need to be taken care of in order that we stop looking bad to the world. It is not okay what they are doing and the people who are good in the flock, need to see this.

It’s NOT okay.

It’s NOT okay that the world, non-saved people are kinder to strangers than the church. Jesus’ bride.

What an outrage.

HBC: Why are heathen kinder and more loving than you?

This is my prayer: Lord, clean the church thoroughly. Make HBC a place that is fitting and worthy of your holy name. Let us all grow into a people you would be proud of, at any cost. Amen.



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