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Back to Basics: 12 Fundamental Skills Every Man Should Acquire

If you’re a man, you need to earn that man card.

Before earning that card, you must display proficiency in these 12 areas. These are bare-minimum skills that every dude should have in their metaphorical tool belt.

1. Keeping It Clean

Clean House, Happy Home - How Often Should You Clean?
Image Credit: RODNAE Productions and Pexels.

A man’s home reflects his state of being. A house in chaos is a man in chaos, and chaos is nowhere for a man to be.

2. Confronting Your Problems

man upset with woman
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

What is more macho than confrontation? One thing: civil, composed confrontation. Addressing problems head-on, especially when they involve someone else, separates manly men from passive-aggressive boys.

3. Personal Finance

Couple working on their finances together
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

There isn’t anything manly about being broke. Too many men think a higher salary is the only way to level up in life, but a dollar saved truly is a dollar earned. Keeping your finances in check is Manhood 101.

4. Using All The Fingers

Rising Food Prices Eat Into Grocery Budgets
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Specifically, figure out how to carry all 14 grocery bags from the car to the house in one trip. Ten fingers, 14 sacks, and one trip. That’s man math.

5. Cleaning Thyself

nice guy MSN
Image Credit: Adobe Stock.

From the West Virginian coal miner to Shrek, some portrayals of the macho man suggest that dirt and grime are part and parcel of manhood. However, there is a time and a place for dirt. A man who doesn’t know how to clean himself or chooses not to “clean up well” is no man at all. He’s merely a brute.

6. Swimming

almost drown
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

You never know when you might need to forge a river or rescue an infant from a pool. If you can’t swim, you’re not prepared. If you’re not prepared, you’re not a man.

7. Fixing a Leak

demolition project
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

For that matter, a guy should know how to use a caulking gun, a screwdriver, a Shop-Vac, a jigsaw, and a nail gun. Knowing basic home repair skills will save you money, add some much-needed callouses to your palms, and beef up your manhood resume.

8. Learning Stuff

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Take it from Plato, Stephen Hawking, or the Dos Equis guy. Knowing things is an essential feature of a fully-formed man. That’s why one who is unwilling to learn can never reach the pinnacle of manhood.

Whether it’s a line out of Othello or how to change a tire, a real man never fears a lesson.

9. Taking Your Lumps

Frustrated employee cover face with hand feels unhappy having serious problems suffers from hostile co-workers
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Handling disappointment, rejection, and adversity with emotional intelligence is easier said than done. But that’s why those who take their lumps on the chin and keep plugging can call themselves a man.

10. Embracing The Golden Rule

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Image Credit: Shutterstock

You have to give respect to get respect. Men know this, so they embrace the Golden Rule and Platinum Rule as a personal credo.

11. Saying No

shocked face
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Whether it’s a boss asking you to do chores outside your job description or a partner pressuring you to abandon your values and let the kid eat Reese’s Pieces at 10 p.m., manly men just say no. Even if Nancy Reagan said it first, saying no is an act every man should be comfortable with.

12. Surviving Alone in The Modern World

How To Get One Month Ahead on Bills - couple sitting and managing expenses at home
Image Credit: Ground Picture and Shutterstock.

You don’t have to audition for Alone to be a man. Many men must survive on their own in the modern world. That means managing an expense spreadsheet, knowing the way around a stove, doing the laundry, and wielding a vacuum cleaner.

A real man can stand on his own to-do list, fully checked off.

Source: Reddit.



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