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HomeDebt Free14 Entertainment Masterpieces that are Pure Internet Gold

14 Entertainment Masterpieces that are Pure Internet Gold

Online, someone asks, “What do you count as a masterpiece and why? It can be a movie, TV series, book, etc.?” People responded by delivering a list of entertainment they consider masterpieces.

1 – Portal 2 (2011)

Man playing video games excited, happy
Image Credit: Rovsky/Shutterstock.

Portal 2. The first was groundbreaking, but the sequel took the basic idea and ran wild with it. The game’s mechanics complimented the story, and the writing was a top-notch—absolute master class in video game production,” says a fan.

Another agrees, “My answer as well. Portal 2 was a true sequel to Portal, and both were great on so many levels. The Orange Box is still one of my best purchases, even outside gaming.”

2 – Princess Mononoke (1997)

Princess Mononoke
Image Credit: Studio Ghibli.

Princess Mononoke makes you realize nature is alive in ways we can’t even begin to comprehend.” Another fan shares, “It’s also deceptively clever in stipulating that humans exist as part of nature, not above or outside it.”

They continue, “One of the elements of Miyazaki’s movies that tend to get lost in the details is that he’s not saying you should oppose progress. But instead, find ways of living with it.” Another agrees, “Yeah, pure genius. Society can’t advance technologically without killing the planet.”

3 – Jurassic Park (1993)

jurassic park 1993
Image Credit: Universal Pictures.

Jurassic Park (1993) is a Cinematic Masterpiece,” hails one fan. “Also, watching the documentary on how they made the film adds to it. It was the beginning of CGI.” Another says, “It’s also a masterpiece of a book! Great choice.”

4 – Avatar: The Last Airbender TV Show (2005 – 2008)

Avatar: The Last Airbender Dante Basco
Image Credit: Nickelodeon.

“Hands down my favorite show. It has everything. A good plot, lovable characters, cool fights and abilities, and a fascinating world with diverse beliefs and cultures, and the character development is just unique. It starts pretty slowly, introducing us to the world, and the plot gets more intense throughout the show,” says a fan of the show.

5 – Lord of The Rings Movie Trilogy (2001 – 2003)

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Ian McKelllen
Image Credit: New Line Cinema.

Lord of the Rings original movie trilogy,” suggests a cinephile. “It just worked. You can experience the epicness of every scene can be felt without any cringe. The consistency of quality across the three films is just extraordinary. It was the ultimate cinematic experience. Of course, translating a book into such a well-executed movie is also a little masterpiece in itself.”

6 – The Wire (2002 – 2008)

the wire tv show
Image Credit: Home Box Office (HBO).

One fan recommends The Wire and says, “It’s a show that still resonates today, even when dealing with issues from 20 years ago. Anyone who’s grown up in or around poverty can find a relatable character, and each season is its own story.” Another confesses, “The Wire is the only TV show that changed my political/worldview on a significant subject. And it did it twice: drug legislation and education.”

7 – Holes (2003)

Image Credit: Walt Disney Pictures.

Another viewers nominates Holes saying, “It may sound silly, but literally, everything ties together, no matter how small the detail.” Another adds, “And it’s the best book-to-movie adaptation I’ve ever seen. It stuck perfectly with the original all the way through.”

“I hold many other media in higher regard than Holes… And yet I can’t disagree with you, both the movie and the book. It’s a vastly underrated example of how to tell a good story,” expresses another fan.

8 – True Detective Season 1 (2014)

Image Credit: Warner Bros. Television Distribution.

True Detective Season one,” says a fan of the show. “Some of the best dialogue/interactions between the protagonists are shot brilliantly, and it’s one of the most atmospheric shows I’ve ever seen. I really can’t say enough good things about it.” Another agrees, “It’s probably one of the few things I watch annually. Time is a flat circle.”

9 – The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)

Muppet Christmas Carol
Image Credit: Walt Disney Pictures.

The Muppet Christmas Carol is nominated by fans. I’ve seen approximately one bazillion versions of this story and read the original. I love the concept in general- but nobody does the story justice as well as the muppets.” Another fan adds, “Michael Caine playing the role of Scrooge so seriously, even though his fellow actors are puppets, will always make this film a work of art!”

10 – Tetris (1984)

old school video game
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One gamer adds, “Tetris. Why? Because it has zero fat on it. You couldn’t even try to improve upon it; you would just add more fat to it. I love a complex mind-blowing masterpiece.” Another says, “It has two requirements for an addicting game. First, it is deceptively difficult. It looks easy, creating massive frustration about why the player is struggling. Second, it has no end.”

11 – Pan’s Labyrinth (2006)

pans labyrinth 2006 1
Image Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures.

One person suggested the Guillermo del Toro film, Pan’s Labyrinth, saying “It’s beautiful, has almost no CGI, tells a story of fantasy, family, the consequences of war, and manages to make the bad guy seem understandable and hateable at the same time. It also has a nebulous quality to the fantastical elements that make it seem like it could just be a little girl imagining that she’s special to escape her horrible situation. (Although Guillermo del Toro specifically said that wasn’t his intention.)”

The poster continued, “It borders on being a horror movie without leaning too far into it. It’s one of my favorite movies if not my favorite outright”

Another user added, “I’m glad you beat me to the punch with this one because I couldn’t have said it better!”

12 – The Matrix (1999)

the matrix 1999 2
Image Credit: Warner Brothers Studios.

One commenter replied to the thread with the suggestion of The Matrix, saying, “The original Matrix. Basically defined action and sci-fi movies for the next 10 years, and frankly still has Influence. Plus it had one of the most genius marketing campaigns of all time, that could only exist pre-mainstream Internet era. Basically, no one knew what The Matrix was until you watched the movie.”

“I completely agree,” said a reply in the threads. “From the opening scene when good guy/bad guy are instantly reversed, to the unbelieving hero, to the awakening consciousness themes, not to mention some freaking amazing action, it has it all.”

13 – Spirited Away (2001)

Spirited Away Daveigh Chase
Image Credit: Toho and Studio Ghibli.

One user had a lot of deep thoughts about the beloved movie, saying, “As someone who has spent significant time living in countries foreign to me, I think this film is the closest approximation to the experience of culture shock I’ve ever seen.”

The poster continued, “From the wonder of seeing a million new, incomprehensible things, to the intense loneliness of looking out your window at an unfamiliar view, and eventually the mundane realization of sitting on a train and watching strangers, just like everyone else, go to work- the first time through is a whirlwind, and a rewatch is like returning to an old home.”

14 – Over the Garden Wall TV Show(2014)

Over the Garden Wall Elijah Wood, Melanie Lynskey, Collin Dean
Image Credit: Cartoon Network Studios.

A number of users reflected on their love of Over the Garden Wall, with one saying “Just starting my second watch of Over The Garden Wall. I definitely see the parallels to The Divine Comedy, specifically Inferno. Love it.”

“Over The Garden Wall is truly a masterpiece,” said another user. “The perfect length and everything is far more than it seems but you don’t know why and it makes you feel the way you would if you were really in their situation until the end when they reveal what really happened.”

Source: (Reddit).



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