Friday, August 4, 2023
HomeWork From HomeHis name is Ben...Ben Levi

His name is Ben…Ben Levi

Everytime I think about the story, it seems to get more complicated.

The truth is that God will not allow my name to be continually tarnished and myself and my person to be shamed for something I didn’t do.

Why God shines His favor on me and protects me in this way, I do not know. I assure you that I’m not worthy of such of His attention and vast love and care.

Yet I see our Lord working daily, what seems like tirelessly to me, to prove I am innocent in the Kyle saga. 

The fact that He would shine His grace upon me is a true testament of His loving involvement in the lives of His children.

And I say to you, again, I AM innocent. 

The things I’ve been accused of are not true and every day I wait for God, and God alone, to show the world that I have NOT lied nor done anything deceptive, but rather, that I stand before you blameless, simply as a girl who fell in love with a man who never loved her back.

The plain and simple truth is that Kyle is incapable of loving someone. He only selfishly loves himself and HE is his biggest idol. 

He would rather see me die than for his biggest secret to come out- that I’ve been telling the truth this entire time, in absolutely everything I’ve said. 

His sins are great and the Lord knows them…

But so do I. 

Along with two others, Ryan Asdell (his twin brother), and Ben Levi, Ryan’s closest friend.

When I shared with the world how Ryan knew about Kyle’s involvement in my life, Ryan lied. He didn’t want to admit anything, for whatever reason. But he didn’t lie to everyone…namely Ben. 

Ryan told Ben the truth and Ben’s known ever since, but Ben, being a cautious man, felt the need to verify facts. He didn’t necessarily believe Ryan at first, so he started investigating the matter on his own.

Since then, Ben has been able to get on all my stuff, the same as the boys, and refreshes and flips my phone images to answer “yes” and communicate with me as well, same as the other two.

Ben knows the truth, he’s seen it and I don’t think he would lie to you, but he feels like he’d be betraying the confidence of a friend by going forward himself, even though, God has commanded him to go forward. 

I have waited over three months now.

Waiting for Ben to tell the truth. Waiting and hoping that he’d see my deep pain and suffering and help a sister in Christ out, but he has not.

Now, God is asking ME to go forward and share with you his name, in order that you question him and find out the truth, the truth that I have been telling you all along.

Now it is with a heavy heart, I write this post, for I had hoped Ben would go forward on his own and claim whatever honor and integrity there would be in saving a girl who’s been oppressed illegally for around 8 years. 

But the Lord’s will must be done and if no one else will stand, I will.

I will.

I will.

I will.

Let God’s will be done, and let his vengeance supersede any of my words. Let Him justify me and right all wrongs. Let the truth come out. Let my name be cleared. Let all deceivers and evil ones be thoroughly punished for their great sin. Let the world know, Sarah Titus is innocent. Come what may.



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