Thursday, September 14, 2023
HomeDebt FreeAshley's Debt Update and Discussion

Ashley’s Debt Update and Discussion


My last post stirred the pot a bit! That was not my intention, but I am so grateful to the BAD community for your support and comments alllll throughout my many years of being in debt.

Today, I want to talk about my current debt status and Iā€™d love to crowd-source comments/input about what my plans should look like moving forward. But letā€™s start with my current debts.

Sept 2023 Debt Update

Debt Amount Original Balance APR Minimum Payment Sept Payment
Carmax $4521 $20,539 (10/2021) 3.45% $374 $374 (+ Extra $871 planned)
Mohela $26561 $96,020 (2014) 0% $0 $0 ($250 saved)


Iā€™ve got a fire under my butt to get this paid off ASAP! October is my target deadline and Iā€™m still fully planning to do that. Iā€™ve made this monthā€™s normal payment and plan to put another $871 toward the car this month. That will bring the amount owed to about $3651 (give or take a few bucks in interest). Next month I already have a car payment planned of $925. That brings the total owed to approximately $2726. And I have $3,000 in a CapitalOne360 savings account that is earmarked for ā€œcar repairs.ā€ I plan to raid that fund to pay off the remaining balance in full.

After raiding my ā€œcar repairā€ savings account, I can slowly start to rebuild it a little bit each month. I like to have some money stashed away strictly for repairs so I donā€™t have to shoulder it out of my normal budget if something big comes up. Knock on wood ā€“ I havenā€™t had any major repairs since I bought this vehicle in October 2021. But with my previous vehicle, I was very grateful to have the repair fund since I had a series of unexpected repairs in the $2,000ish range during the last couple of years I owned the vehicle.



That brings us to my student loan debt. Hereā€™s where Iā€™ve got to be honest. I have very little motivation to pay this thing off. Like, almost none. I was accepted into the Publish Service Loan Forgiveness program earlier this year. I will be eligible for loan forgiveness in 2026. Three years. Iā€™m leaning toward just riding it out until then, making minimum payments (which resume next month), and calling it a day.

Including all the interest Iā€™ve paid, Iā€™ve more than paid back my original student loan debt. Iā€™ve also written before about how I used to be laser-focused on paying back my student loans and why that has since changed. I know I could pay the loans off before they are forgiven. It took 2 years to pay off $20,000 for my car. I can totally pay $26,000 in 3 years to eliminate my student loans. But why? For what?

My thoughtsā€¦

Instead, Iā€™m more inclined to save some money in a high-yield account that I can use to pay the tax burden when my loans are forgiven (forgiven loans are considered taxable income, so if $26,000 is forgiven, I will need to pay what we would owe in taxes on $26,000).

But what do you think? Whatā€™s the ā€œrightā€ move? I say ā€œrightā€ in quotations since there is no single right or wrong answer. I used to feel it was my moral, ethical obligation to pay back my student loans in full. At this pointā€¦..I just donā€™t (read here why). In my opinion, Iā€™ve more than paid back my debt. And then some. But what would you do, if you were in my situation?

Iā€™d certainly like to be debt-free sooner than 2026. But I think it would likely take right about 3 years to pay off that amount of money anyway. Why scrimp and save and everything just to pay off the loans by the exact time theyā€™d be forgiven anyway? Wouldnā€™t that money be better spent in a high-yield savings account? Then I could take the savings and pay our taxes (when the loans are forgiven) and maybe put any remaining balance toward our mortgage? Or heck, take a vacation? Maybe do that debt-free scream in Nashville like Iā€™ve always wanted? šŸ˜‰

I realize this is likely a taboo topic for a ā€œget out of debtā€ blog. At this point, Iā€™m okay with that. If I need to step away from blogging because my focus shifts (after paying off my car), then Iā€™m okay with that too. Iā€™d love your honest input here.

I welcome your thoughts, opinions, personal stories, etc.

Thanks, again, for always being so supportive! The BAD community is the best!



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