Monday, October 9, 2023
HomeDebt FreeMore Debt Counsellors Recognized This Year

More Debt Counsellors Recognized This Year

For some time the organizers of the Debt Review Awards have grouped all Debt Counselling practices who have over 4000 clients together. This has been known as the National Debt Counsellors category.

The category was first created back in 2016.

Since then more and more practices have crossed this threshold. And these practices continue to grow as they take on books from other Debt Counsellors or take on more clients.  Several have even surpassed 10 000 clients in the years since then.

So, while the pool of such practices is not massive there are now many more practices in this range. 

Suggestions were made by the debt counselling community after last year’s peer reviews ended that perhaps this category could be split or expanded to better compare these extremely large practices.

In an effort to refine and improve the process the organizers agreed that this would be possible.

‘And so the National Plus Category has been born’

And so the National Plus Category has been born. This is a category for the absolute largest practices in the industry. So while everyone over 4000 clients will still be referred to as a National Debt Counselling Practice this sub division now allows for other top candidates to be identified.

Already this has born fruit and this year an additional 5 practices were identified in the National Plus Category.

Check Out: The Top 10 Debt Counsellors 2023



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