Friday, November 3, 2023
HomeMacroeconomicsThe Smith Family manga continues – Episode 3 is now available –...

The Smith Family manga continues – Episode 3 is now available – William Mitchell – Modern Monetary Theory

Episode 3 in our new weekly Manga series – The Smith Family and their Adventures with Money – is now available. Have a bit of fun with it and circulate it to those who you think will benefit …

The Smith Family are a middle-class family living in a city somewhere in the world. The second-generation parents are university educated and have professional occupations. Their two kids attend the local public school.

So it’s bed time at the Smith Family and we find Ryan challenging his intellectual capacities playing Patience on his mobile phone and Elizabeth doing some arithmetic that she is following on a blog post that Kevin recommended.

For Elizabeth, who has an open mind on things, follows the logic of the example which shows that governments must spend first before the non-government sector can meet the tax liability that is imposed on it.

Friction between the adults is mounting.

I hope you are enjoying the unfolding story.

And if you think you resemble any of the characters then either continue spreading MMT knowledge or get our textbook and get up to speed, depending on which character you might identify with.

If you have any feedback we will appreciate it, other than ‘this sucks’.


That is enough for today!

(c) Copyright 2023 William Mitchell. All Rights Reserved.



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