Monday, January 15, 2024
HomeValue InvestingSome links 2/2024 | value and opportunity

Some links 2/2024 | value and opportunity

Some links 2/2024

More year end letters:
East 72 Dynasty Trust (E-L Financial, PSH)
UK Dividend Investor

Carsten from Augustusville with a great write-up on Delek, a US Energy downstream player

The One-foot Bars substack has a very nice write-up on Champagne house Laurent Perrier

I can’t repeat it often enough: Prof. Damodaran is offering the upcoming Valuation class at Columbia for free. There is no better deal in financial education, guaranteed.

Twitter Thread from Dalius with 10 recommended investment blogs

12 pretty good lessons from the stock market in 2023

PE Fund investors really do want their money back



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