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HomeMutual FundIndia Life Expectancy 1950-2024 - How It Affects Retirement Goal?

India Life Expectancy 1950-2024 – How It Affects Retirement Goal?

What lessons can we glean from India Life Expectancy 1950 – 2024? How do Life Expectancy and Health Expectancy influence our retirement goal planning?

When it comes to planning for retirement, there are several key factors to consider. These include your current age, the age at which you plan to retire, your life expectancy, the monthly expenses you’ll need to cover during retirement, the impact of inflation, the assets you want to allocate towards your retirement goal, the expected returns from different types of investments, and the asset allocation strategy you want to implement. By taking all of these data points into account, you can create a comprehensive retirement plan that suits your needs and helps you achieve your financial goals.

It’s crucial to consider two key factors that greatly influence your future: your retirement age and your life expectancy. Understanding the India Life Expectancy from 1950 to 2024, as well as your health expectancy, holds the utmost significance.

It’s common knowledge that people are familiar with life expectancy, but not many are aware of health expectancy. Let’s take a closer look at these two important pieces of historical data.

India Life Expectancy 1950-2024

The term life expectancy pertains to the average duration of life that individuals of a specific age can expect. This calculation considers past and current mortality rates within the same age group. It is worth mentioning that life expectancy can vary based on factors like gender, age, ethnicity, and geographical location.

Your retirement planning is greatly influenced by life expectancy as it provides insight into the duration you’ll have to financially support yourself after retiring. If you surpass the average life expectancy, you’ll require additional funds to cover expenses and sustain your desired lifestyle. Conversely, if you fall short of the average life expectancy, you may not need as much money, but you’ll also have a limited time to relish your retirement years.

Several key factors can have a significant impact on your life expectancy and retirement planning. Let’s take a closer look at each of them:

  1. Health and lifestyle choices: Your habits and choices play a crucial role in determining your life expectancy. Smoking, excessive drinking, obesity, and chronic diseases can all decrease your lifespan and increase your medical expenses. Conversely, regular exercise, a healthy diet, and staying mentally active can improve your overall well-being and increase your chances of living a longer, healthier life.
  2. Family history and genetics: Some diseases and conditions have a genetic component and tend to run in families. This means that your family history can influence your life expectancy. Additionally, you may inherit certain genes that can either increase or decrease your likelihood of living longer than the average person. It’s important to be aware of your family’s medical history and take appropriate measures to manage any potential risks.
  3. Income and savings: Your financial situation can also impact your life expectancy and retirement planning. Having a higher income and more savings can provide you with better access to healthcare, proper nutrition, and improved living conditions, all of which can contribute to a longer life. However, it’s important to note that having more money also means you’ll need to save more to sustain your desired lifestyle during retirement.
  4. Expected inflation and return on investment: Inflation refers to the gradual increase in the prices of goods and services over time. This means that the cost of living will likely rise during your retirement years. On the other hand, return on investment refers to the profit or loss you make from your investments. Both of these factors are crucial when calculating your retirement needs. It’s important to plan for a realistic inflation rate and consider a conservative return on investment to ensure you have enough funds to support your retirement lifestyle.
  5. Desired retirement age and income: Your personal choices regarding when you want to retire and the income you wish to have during retirement are important factors to consider. These decisions should be based on your individual goals, preferences, and circumstances. Take into account your current and future expenses, your health and life expectancy, as well as your potential sources of income such as pensions, social security, and investments.

Let me now share the India Life Expectancy 1950-2024.

India Life Expectancy 1950-2024
Year Life Expectancy (Age) Life Expectancy Male Life Expectancy Female
1950 41.72 42.6 40.8
1951 41.74 42.63 40.8
1952 42.04 42.91 41.12
1953 42.21 43.03 41.33
1954 42.95 43.74 42.12
1955 43.39 44.13 42.59
1956 43.76 44.47 43
1957 44.06 44.76 43.31
1958 44.42 45.1 43.7
1959 44.89 45.56 44.17
1960 45.22 45.88 44.51
1961 45.4 46.06 44.7
1962 45.66 46.31 44.96
1963 45.94 46.58 45.25
1964 46.18 46.82 45.5
1965 44.98 45.56 44.36
1966 45.33 45.9 44.73
1967 45.67 46.23 45.08
1968 47.47 48.07 46.84
1969 47.86 48.46 47.22
1970 48.24 48.85 47.59
1971 48.63 49.28 47.94
1972 49.03 49.69 48.31
1973 49.54 50.22 48.81
1974 50.24 50.91 49.53
1975 50.81 51.42 50.16
1976 51.39 51.88 50.85
1977 51.91 52.27 51.51
1978 52.49 52.71 52.26
1979 53.06 53.14 52.99
1980 53.61 53.55 53.7
1981 54.17 53.99 54.4
1982 54.73 54.45 55.07
1983 55.28 54.91 55.71
1984 55.82 55.39 56.32
1985 56.33 55.85 56.9
1986 56.84 56.3 57.46
1987 57.31 56.73 58
1988 57.78 57.11 58.55
1989 58.23 57.51 59.06
1990 58.65 57.88 59.54
1991 59.05 58.26 59.96
1992 59.45 58.66 60.34
1993 59.82 59.05 60.65
1994 60.22 59.48 61.01
1995 60.6 59.89 61.35
1996 60.98 60.28 61.73
1997 61.39 60.67 62.15
1998 61.79 61.03 62.59
1999 62.21 61.35 63.11
2000 62.67 61.75 63.64
2001 63.09 62.11 64.13
2002 63.62 62.57 64.73
2003 64.09 62.98 65.29
2004 64.52 63.31 65.83
2005 65 63.72 66.38
2006 65.41 64.05 66.89
2007 65.79 64.37 67.34
2008 66.15 64.65 67.79
2009 66.51 64.96 68.22
2010 66.91 65.33 68.64
2011 67.36 65.77 69.11
2012 67.89 66.32 69.59
2013 68.46 66.96 70.08
2014 69.07 67.65 70.6
2015 69.64 68.28 71.08
2016 70.12 68.81 71.5
2017 70.47 69.16 71.86
2018 70.71 69.37 72.14
2019 70.91 69.53 72.4
2020 70.15 68.61 71.82
2021 67.24 65.76 68.89
2022 67.74 66.26 69.38
2023 72.03 70.52 73.65
2024 72.29 70.75 73.94
Source – WHO and

Now if the same uptrend continues for us, then-

  • Life expectancy in 2034 (10 Yrs from now) will be 74.6407 (Men – 72.8661 and Women – 76.5627)
  • Life expectancy in 2044 (20 Yrs from now) will be 76.6967 (Men – 74.8323 and Women – 78.7122)
  • Life expectancy in 2054 (30 Yrs from now) will be 78.6179 (Men – 76.8042 and Women – 80.5648)
  • Life expectancy in 2064 (40 Yrs from now) will be 80.4218 (Men – 78.7562 and Women – 82.1954)
  • Life expectancy in 2074 (50 Yrs from now) will be 82.1501 (Men – 80.7137 and Women – 83.6681)
  • Life expectancy in 2084 (60 Yrs from now) will be 83.7469 (Men – 82.5516 and Women – 85.0021)

Considering all these factors, if you assume your life expectancy is below 80 years, then your retirement life is at high risk. Also, notice one factor that women’s life expectancy is higher than men’s. Hence, if you factor this into your retirement plan that your retirement corpus should last long for your wife, then you better consider around 85 years of life expectancy.

Healthy Life Expectancy from 2000 to 2019

One more data point that many of us miss is to arrive at what is your healthy life expectancy. In simple, healthy life expectancy means the average number of years that a person can expect to live in “full health” from birth.

Healthy life expectancy, also referred to as health-adjusted life expectancy or HALE, represents the average duration of a person’s life where they can enjoy optimal health, free from any disabilities or illnesses that hinder their daily activities. This measure is derived by subtracting the years spent in poor health from the total life expectancy at birth.

The significance of this data in retirement planning lies in its ability to determine our retirement age. However, it is not only a healthy body that supports our working life; our competence in the industry also plays a crucial role. Being physically fit is beneficial, but if we lack the necessary skills to thrive in our profession, a healthy lifestyle may not be advantageous.

Therefore, when deciding the age at which you plan to retire, it is crucial to take into account various factors such as your overall health, the data on health expectancy, your professional expertise, the average retirement age within your industry, and your ability to prolong retirement through unique skills.

According to WHO, in 2000, the health expectancy was 52.9 years, in 2010, the health expectancy was 57.3 years and in 2019, the health expectancy was 60.3 years. Notice that health expectancy increased from 52.9 years to 60.3 years in around 20 years period (growth of 13%).

But it does not mean that we have to consider our retirement age as 60 years for our retirement calculations. As I previously mentioned, factors such as health expectancy and the industry we work in play a significant role in determining when we should retire. Therefore, if you’re employed in the private sector, it would be wise to consider retiring at 50 or 55 years old instead of the typical government employee retirement age of 60 years.

Attention: Please be aware that the aforementioned information represents the AVERAGE data. It may not be directly applicable to your specific situation. There is a possibility that your circumstances may fall on either end of the spectrum. Therefore, what truly matters in terms of delaying your retirement (to alleviate strain on your retirement savings or depend on your retirement fund) is your overall health, the health habits you adopt, and the support provided by your industry. It is advisable to take a cautious approach when determining your retirement age and life expectancy as you plan for your retirement goal.



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