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HomeBudgetSun, sandals, and style: a mum's guide to summer footwear

Sun, sandals, and style: a mum’s guide to summer footwear

Ok, so being a mum does not immediately mean that all sense of style or ‘coolness’ goes out of the window, in fact, now is the time to shine and show those negative thinkers that cool has always been here and is here to stay.

Only now you have the financial means to treat yourself to something a bit more quality, and if you feel like it (because why not) to get one in more than one color. Yes please. This summer is the perfect time to buy yourself a well-deserved wardrobe staple, summer footwear. While we love a vibrant flip flop that is quick to slip into for a fun day at the beach, I can attest to owning a ‘humble’ 5 pairs color variations, we want to think of how to transition to the cool summer evenings after a day out in the sun.

And here is where we introduce the best fancy sandals for women that are not only going to turn heads as you walk into the beachfront hot spot, but transform a casual day look into an elevated summer evening ensemble. Who knew a pair of sandals had so much power, right, but with the perfect pair for you, you’ll never put a step wrong.

What once seemed like a simple between-the-toes flop has progressed into an innovatively elegant aesthetic suited to the modern day urban mum who enjoys being at home and making memories with her kids in and around the city scape, but equally eager to spend a day covered in salty sand with the ocean breeze bringing a welcoming coolness to a hot day.


Design style that suits all ‘cool’ mums

We love brands that cater to all walks of life. Whether you are a new mum with a baby in a stroller or front body sling, or a rock star of a mother to multiple little ones navigating the world of appointments, snack bags and endless sticky fingers, you can have peace of mind that your feet aching is the last thing on your list of worries.

Not sure which summer footwear option will endure the day and still look half decent meeting hubby for early dinner while the sitter watches the kids can be tricky, but knowing what to look for will make the choice that much easier.

We have curated the top essentials busy moms (is there any other kind) consider a must when shopping for footwear, and more so when it’s during the hot weather season where feet are constantly on display and seemingly grow a half size. So, the next time you’re heading to the shops to try on a few new footwear treats, keep these tips in mind and you can be sure your summer vacation will be a ‘walk in the park.’


Design considerations that add comfort and sophistication

  • Comfort – If you are a mother then you will know all too well that comfort is e-very-th-ing and this cannot be emphasized enough. You need a pair of sandals that will still look decent and be durable after a cereal war, school run, doctor’s appointment, and finding that rare moment to enjoy a tapas platter with your other half. Think of a thicker sole, an ankle strap for stability, and great arch support to prevent foot fatigue.
  • Versatile – who has the time to pop home to change shoes every time we need to go somewhere last minute? Opt for shoes that work in many situations and are suitable for various occasions.
  • Color – Color goes hand in hand with the above point. A neutral tone will be easy to style up or down and works with most outfits. This way you have one less thing to think about. If, however, you are shopping occasion specific, by all means, let your hair down and opt for a look-at-me pop of color.
  • Details – Over embellished rarely look great and more so on your feet. Think of simple and chic and let the shoe design speak for itself.
  • Functional style – Sure you want to look amazing at the company function, but be sure you can wear those sandals again afterwards. They can work for the event, but also be paired with a pair of jeans for a grocery run the next day.
  • Options – No mum should be limited to a single pair of great sandals, options are a must. The hard work that mums put in managing and coordinating the home and the family with what looks like effortless ease, absolutely deserves a reward, or two, or three.



To all the mums out there

Step out in style this summer with a quality pair of sandals and show the world you can have a family, work and have it all.



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