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HomeMacroeconomicsMiles's Personality in 10 Facets of the Big Five — Confessions of...

Miles’s Personality in 10 Facets of the Big Five — Confessions of a Supply-Side Liberal

Here are the results of my own personality test using the 10 aspects of the Big Five, expressed as percentiles:

  1. Agreeableness: 11

    • Compassion 42

    • Politeness 2

  2. Conscientiousness: 63

    • Industriousness: 97

    • Orderliness: 7

  3. Extraversion: 86

    • Enthusiasm: 79

    • Assertiveness: 85

  4. Neuroticism: 14

    • Withdrawal: 6

    • Volatility: 34

  5. Openness to Experience: 95

    • Intellect: 96

    • Openness: 84

The full report on me is here.

So I don’t sound too bad, let me quote this in the report about “Politeness”:

People who are exceptionally low in politeness challenge and confront authority – and they are not obedient. If they are respectful, it is grudgingly, and will only be manifested toward people who continually both deserve and demand it. They are comfortable confronting other people, and enjoy it. People extremely low in politeness are motivated to engage in conflict, and to seek out confrontation.

Note how different I am on the two aspects of agreeableness. I am also very different on the two aspects of conscientiousness: high on Industriousness, but low on Orderliness. In the description associated with being low in orderliness, I resonate to these two bits:

  • “… non-judgmental and devil-may-care in their attitudes toward themselves and others.”

  • “dislike schedules, list, or routines”

However, I like routines reasonably well if I made them up myself.

The aspects of the Big Five can help predict other outcomes of interest:

  • High IQ and Industriousness are good predictors of income. The other 9 aspects not so much. (Openness to Experience is positive correlated with creativity, but I’ll bet creativity is more closely related to the variance of income than to the mean of income.)

  • High Openness to Experience and Low Orderliness are good predictors of being politically Liberal.

  • High Agreeableness and High Orderliness are good predictors of insisting on political correctness. Conversely, Low Agreeableness and Low Orderliness (my bent) would predict a low level of political correctness.

Finally, being low on Withdrawal sounds like it is good for happiness. And indeed, I am generally quite happy. Here is some of what my report says about being very low on Withdrawal:

Individuals very low in withdrawal almost never suffer from or are impeded by anticipatory anxiety. They can handle new, uncertain, unexpected, threatening or complex situations very well. They are far less likely to avoid or withdraw in the face of the unknown and unexpected.

People with very low levels of withdrawal feel sad, lonesome, disappointed and grief-stricken very infrequently—and, if they do, do not feel those emotions deeply nor for long. Their lives tend to be markedly free of doubt, worry, embarrassment, self-consciousness and discouragement, even in the face of genuine threat and punishment. They are resistant to and rarely worried about social rejection, and almost never feel hurt or threatened.

Overall, I feel very lucky to have the disposition I have. People sometime act as if I am an alien, because I am extreme in some aspects of my personality. But I feel I have had a very enjoyable life.



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