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HomeMoney Making10 Best Places to Get Quarters Near You Today

10 Best Places to Get Quarters Near You Today

Looking for where to get quarters near you? Look no further.

There are plenty of times when quarters can come in handy.

For example, you may need quarters when you park in a metered stall, want something out of a vending machine or if go to a laundromat.

Best Places to Get Quarters

Image of stacked quarter dollar coins

Since you likely use a debit or credit card for most of your purchases, you probably don’t receive change regularly.

This means that you may not have quarters when you need them. 

Luckily, getting quarters is not a huge challenge. Here are some of the best places to get quarters.

1. Banks

One of the most popular places to get coins is from your local bank, especially if you want a full roll.

It can be fairly easy to exchange a $10 bill for a roll of 40 quarters at your bank.

You’ll have the best chance of receiving a roll of quarters if you are a customer with a bank account. A bank teller may tend to be more willing to honor a request to get quarters when it comes from a client.

People who use online banks might have trouble with this strategy. If you aren’t a customer at the bank you are trying to get coins from, you may face some resistance or have to pay a fee.

However, many bank employees won’t even ask you if you are a customer when you go in to exchange bills for coins. They’ll just hand you your quarters and send you on your way.

That being said, it might be wise to call ahead to local banks to confirm they exchange cash for coins before making an effort to visit the branch.

If you tell your nearest bank that you’re not a customer when you call, you can find out ahead of time if they’ll do an exchange for you or not.

2. Car Washes

Car washes often have quarter machines onsite. After all, their customers will need coins to run the machines. 

This is most often the case when it comes to the do-it-yourself car washes.

Consequently, you can likely get as many quarters as you want from the coin exchange machine at a car wash.

Just make sure to bring cash with you for the exchange and straighten the edges of your dollar bills so that the vending machine doesn’t have an issue reading the bills.

Many of the machines that exchange bills for quarters at the car wash need the bills to be in decent shape or they’ll reject the bills.

So if your bills have ragged or torn edges or are very worn as a whole, they might not work in the vending machines you’ll find at car washes.

3. Fast Food Restaurants

Fast food restaurants often have coins on hand. While you might have to make a purchase first, you could score a few dollars in quarters in the process.

You’ll have the most luck if you make your request when restaurants or fast food establishments is not busy.

If you are holding up the line, the cashier may deny your request in order to help other customers faster.

In the event that you’re not visiting during a busy time and that you’re buying some food, simply ask the cashier or customer service desk if they can give you $1, $2 or more (based on what you need) of your change back in the form of quarters.

Although you probably won’t walk away with a roll in quarters, this can help you build up your stash.

And every little bit counts when it comes to reaching any type of goal.  

4. Gas Stations

At many gas stations, especially ones with convenience stores, you will be able to request quarters in exchange for bills if you make a purchase.

However, not all gas stations will be willing to honor your request to get quarters. The decision will likely come down to whether or not they have an ample supply of coins on hand. 

Cashiers won’t want to part with the quarters in their cash register unless there is enough supply to restock the till. Only asking for a few quarters may alleviate this issue, so be careful about how many quarters you request.

For instance, ask for just $1 or $2 back of your change in quarters instead of asking for an amount that will clear the cash register of its quarters.

Another option is to make a small purchase that ends (after tax) in less than 25 cents.

Then you’ll for sure get at least three quarters back with your purchase without even asking.

5. Grocery Stores

Many grocery and convenience stores are willing to provide you with coins in exchange for bills.

While you’ll likely be required to make a purchase, the cashier at the grocery store will often be able to give you quarters. However, you may need to make a small purchase to get quarters.

Another option for getting quarters at grocery stores exists if the store has a customer service desk. This may be required if the grocery store doesn’t want their cash registers to run out of quarters.

If it does, you should make your request there.

This is because rolls of coins, including quarter rolls, are generally more accessible through the customer service counter than through the regular cashier. 

As with banks, it might be best to ask for an entire quarter roll at the grocery store where you shop the most and they are somewhat familiar with who you are.

6. Laundromats

Image of woman putting a quarter into a laundry machine at a laundromat

If you want to get quarters, washers and dryers at laundromats are often powered by coins.

With that, the business owners are happy to provide change machines within their storefronts so that you can get a few coins.

The great thing about getting quarters from a laundromat is that there are a lot of them around, especially in the more metropolitan areas.

Typically, you can exchange bills up to $20 in value for quarters.

The downside is that you won’t receive your coins in one convenient roll. Instead, you’ll have a handful to carry out.

One upside to getting quarters at a laundromat is that you don’t typically have to get approval.

The change machines are automated, so anyone can walk in and use them, even if they’re not using the laundromat services.

However, laundromat management may frown on you using their change machines on a regular basis if you’re not laundering clothes there.

7. Making Small Purchases

You can ask to receive your change in quarters when making small purchases at convenience stores or other retailers. 

For example, you could buy a candy bar or a pack of gum at any store. Then, if you pay in cash, you can request your change in quarters.

And, as with gas stations or a convenience store, if you choose items that are priced to end in numbers less than 25 cents($1.24, $1.18, $3.20 etc.) you’ll get quarters without even having to ask.

8. Pharmacies

Pharmacies might be able to help you in your quest to get quarters. When you check out, ask the cashier if you can exchange quarters.

In some cases, they may be able to honor the request. 

But, in most cases, the answer will depend on what is available in the register at the time.

This is because pharmacies, like other stores, have limited amounts of coins in their tills at any given time.

You’ll be more likely to get quarters from a pharmacy if you’re asking for under $5 in quarters as opposed to asking for a whole roll of quarters.

Additionally, making a purchase at the pharmacy may help strengthen the chances of your request being honored favorably.

9. Soda Machines

Vending machines can be the perfect way to get quarters. You might find these at a convenience store, gym or sports stadium.

If you purchase a $1.25 snack with a $5 or $10 bill, you’ll get some of your change in quarters.

Unfortunately, it is possible to run into machines that are low on coins. If that happens, you might not receive your change.

Keep in mind that only old-style machines will be able to provide quarters.

Also, vending machines that make you pay using a credit or debit card won’t give you physical change.

You’ll need to look for a vending machine that accepts and returns cash and has items priced ending in uneven dollar amounts in order to get quarters from the machine.

10. Arcades

Image of lit up arcade game

Many arcades have dozens of games that need coins to function. As a result, you’ll probably find the quarters you need at an arcade. 

If the arcade has old-style games that accept coins, they should have a machine that converts cash into quarters.

Unfortunately, you may have trouble finding an arcade that offers this type of exchange.

This is because many newer arcades have electronic systems with swipe cards that eliminate the need for coins. 

You simply use your electronic card to get gaming credits and use the credits to play.

For that reason, it’s probably best to call the customer service desk and find out if the arcade you are going to uses quarters before taking the time to drive to its location.

Otherwise, you may exert a lot of time, energy and money (in fuel costs) and not end up with any quarters in return.


While most people look for ways to get cash for coins, quarters can come in handy when making small purchases.

And you might need quarters for things like paying for a self-serve car cash, using a vending machine or washing clothes at the local laundromat.

Luckily, there are plenty of places to get quarters, and most of them don’t charge a fee.



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