Monday, July 11, 2022
HomeFinance10 Books I Plan to Read in July

10 Books I Plan to Read in July

In previous years, I’ve picked a long list and big stack of books I want to read that year. I’ve found that I struggle to stick with that list because I always find so many other books I want to read and that initial list makes me feel kind of guilty that I’m not following through.

Instead of trying that approach again, I’m experimenting with something different in 2022: I’m going to set monthly reading goals. At the beginning of the month, I’ll pick a stack of books I want to read that month and I’ll focus on reading those books throughout the month.

This way, I can make room for the many new or new-to-me titles I discover throughout the year. Plus, I can pick fewer books to read on the months that I know there is a lot going on.

A few of these are titles I had planned to read in previous months and didn’t get finished, so they are on my stack again — and I’m hoping to finish them this month!

Social Sanity in an Insta World

This book looked like it had some great encouragement when it came to using social media in a wise manner.

When Making Others Happy is Making You Miserable

I am a few chapters into this book and have heard from many that it’s a book they are very interested in and wanted me to read and review.

Raising Emotionally Strong Boys

I’m a big fan of Sissy Goff’s book, Raising Worry-Free Girls, so I’m excited that there’s finally a counterpart book by her podcast co-host and counseling center co-director, David Thomas. I got to meet him when I recently did a podcast interview for their podcast, so I’m really excited to read this pre-release copy.

Together is a Beautiful Place

This looked like a helpful book on friendship. I’m always looking for good books on friendship as it’s a question I’m often asked for resources on.

Becoming Elisabeth Elliot

So many people have told me I *must* read this book. I’ve so appreciated Elisabeth Elliot’s writings over the years so I’m looking forward to learning more about her life.

Slow Growth Equals Strong Roots

One of my fellow leaders at youth group got this book for me and thought it would not only be encouraging to me but helpful as I lead teen girls.


I loved John Eldredge’s last book, so I put this on my stack as soon as I was sent a pre-release copy.

Embrace Your Almost

This book has been highly recommended by people I respect, so I can’t wait to dig into it.

Beneath a Scarlet Sky

So many of you have highly recommended this book and it’s high time I finally read it. I’m about a third of the way through it.

Forgiving Paris

This fiction book was highly recommended to me by multiple people. I’ve really enjoyed other Karen Kingsbury books in the past, so I can’t wait to dive into this.

What are you reading in July?



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