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HomeMoney MakingStep-Dad Fantasy with Elon Musk's Dad and Stepdaughter - Is This Reality?

Step-Dad Fantasy with Elon Musk’s Dad and Stepdaughter – Is This Reality?

Just when you thought 2022 couldn’t be any weirder, try this one for size.

Errol Musk (Elon’s father) has revealed he is the father of yet another child. At the ripe age of 76 he has now sired seven kids. Two of them to none other than his stepdaughter. Jana Bezuidenhout.

Errol and Jana now have a 5-year-old boy and a 3-year-old girl, born in 2019. On Wednesday, Errol remarked to the Sun: “the only thing we are on Earth for is to reproduce.”

Needless to say, Twitter is an absolute hysteria over this. Let’s see how everyone is dealing with this so-called “news.”

One Twitter user said “congrats” with a sarcastic comment.

Someone else said they had to keep rereading the news.

Yet another user opined, “she secured the bag.”

Ivano broke down how the family tree will go now.

Kay is wondering where Jana’s mother is right about now.

The real question is, can we please go back to 2019 and never make it to 2020 and beyond? Thanks in advance!

Featured Image Credit: Kathy Hutchins and Shutterstock.

As a certified credit counselor, Max Marvelous has coached over 250 Millennials to help take the stress out of money. When Max is not coaching, you’ll find him reading financial books, indoor cycling, or visiting local pawn shops looking for swiss-made watches.



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